The Lakehouse

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It feels so nice having Rory back in his life, and it's very easy for Logan to fall into new habits that consists of a big part of Rory in it. Like texting her to ask for her opinion on the silliest things, calling her for something exciting, regularly pranking her, having coffee breaks with her, having lunches with her, and having arguments with her. Sometimes they talk about work too. But not so much about work. In fact, it's hard to remember when they talk about work.

He didn't even have to search for her contact in his phone because it was always in the most recent call list. He pushed her name on his phone.

"Logan. Whatever it is, make it quick cause I haven't had my coffee yet, I just woke up and my stupid neighbor has a Russian Talk Show on maximum volume,"

"Good morning to you too, Rory."

"You're awfully cheerful today."

"Today we're going to New Haven!"

"Is it today already?! I could've sworn Colin had just asked us yesterday,"

"That's two-week ago's memory, young lady! You have one hour before I pick you up. Come on, get going! If you behave, I might stop by the coffee shop near Bryant Park..."

"Culture Espresso?"

"That's the one,"

"Yay! Can I have a warm chocolate chip cookie? They have the best chocolate chip cookies in the world!"

"Yes, you can. If you get ready now,"

"Or maybe I'll have two. And another two for the road. We don't know the traffic these days. It could be hours until I touch anything again, right?!"

"We can stop by any diner if you hungry again, Rory. But now, now just get ready! Come on, chop chop!"

"Okay! I'm up, I'm up!"

He heard her coffee machine started and smiled at how much she depended on coffee. He could hear her turning on the TV.

"Rory did you just turn on the TV?"

"Yes, I did. What? I need my daily dose of news before I start a day. Who knows probably a meteor will hit us today and the human race will be forced to hide in sewers? The soon I found out the soon I can gather my important things and find the nearest sewers. To be honest I already have an emergency bag ready, but I'm still deciding if Howl or Anna Karenina will come with me. My Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass that was gifted by Grandma and Grandpa is coming, no doubt, it's the 100-year-old copy anyway, it's too precious to leave. I have all of my other books in my Kindle, but it wasn't as fun to read..." 

"Rory!" he cut her "Rory! One hour! Don't be late." He hung up.

He went to get ready himself. He found himself whistling a tune while packing up his overnight bag, and humming in the shower. He has been feeling really light and happy these past few weeks, he knew it has everything to do with Rory and the fact that she's back in his life, and he knew this could be dangerous for his heart, but he couldn't stop himself. He's drawn to it, like a moth to a flame.

It amazes him how he could just forget about anything else when Rory's in the picture, he even forgotten about Odette, his family, and the dynastic plan. If not for Odette's constant effort to get in touch with him by texting or calling, he probably would've forgotten her all together. He knows it's bad, and Odette doesn't deserve it, but he couldn't help it. Their relationship was dull that way anyway. She shouldn't mind him having a girl best friend. The girl is just happened to be an ex, but it's history. And it won't be happening again.

He's pretty sure about that.

She already broke his heart a couple times, and she's on top of her career now, he doesn't think that love life is a priority for her, just like back at her graduation, or her other graduation. She just always chose career over love and she will always be. And that's good for her, that's great even. Look what that brought her now. He's very proud of her, he always knew that she's destined for something big like this, not sitting in a DAR seat arranging functions and luncheons. She wouldn't be happy doing that sort of things.

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