The Fiancee

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Logan has been distracted these past few days as the memories came flooding out. He had suppressed this part of his life for so long, because they were just to painful to be remembered. Partly because a few were in fact painful memories, and partly because he knew it won't be happening again. He tried to forget them, but he couldn't. So he shoves them under the rug, and distracts himself whenever a piece tries to wiggle itself out. But now, now there's no distraction strong enough to keep them under, they came out piece by piece during his harmless daily activities.

This morning when he made his coffee, he remembered how she likes her coffee made, the way she sniff her freshly brewed coffee lovingly, and the coffee cart he had bought to follow her in his quest to win her back after their short break up. When he saw a news about basket ball game he remembered how she fought the urge to sleep watching it. And a thousand other small things things that grew more often, and more random. Like the time he saw an umbrella and remembered how they jumped off a really high scaffolding in one of the Life and Death Brigade events.

Small harmless random thoughts.

He started to worry when he began to remember the romantic sides of their relationship. The face she makes when asked for a kiss, her happy squeals when he surprised her, how she ran into his arms when he came back from London, how she smells, how her hair smells, how her hands fit perfectly in his hands. Logan sighed.

It must be the handshake. It was a mistake. They shouldn't have shook hands. That small gesture reminded his body of the feelings he had locked in the dungeon. He feels really stupid, even now as he putting on his suit he remembers how she looked in a tux. Oh no, not a good memory to remember. It was the moment of their first kiss! Don't go there, Logan. He warned himself. Luckily his phone ringtone went off, he saw the caller ID and sighed,

"Hi Odette,"

"Logan, how hard it is for you to answer a call?" a female voice with a heavy French accent replied from the other end of the phone.

"I'm sorry, I was just really busy"

"For three days? You haven't returned my calls, you didn't even replied to any of my texts. You could've been died for three days and I won't even know. It is highly inappropriate."

"I'm so sorry..."

"Whatever. I'm just calling to let you know that your mother invited me and my family for a weekend in your family's home next month, it was your grandfather's birthday weekend she said. And I said yes, it would be rude not to,"

Logan sighed. Of course, the birthday weekend. He almost forgot about that too.

"Yeah, mother mentioned it to me once but I didn't notice. It's next month already? I gotta put it in my calendar,"

"Yes, you do that. Or have your assistant do it so she can remind you, you don't have the best memory lately. Don't forget to buy present too," she added

"Okay, okay. Will do,"

"Right. So, will I be expecting to see you at the airport?"

"I will have to see about that, Odette. I'm gonna have to check my calendar, I totally forgot about the birthday weekend, you see..."

"Well make adjustments, it's still a month away anyway. It's the appropriate thing to do. Our families are hoping to see us together, because we are engaged to be married, Logan! We have been for two years now," She added annoyed.

"Okay, I hear you. I will pick you up, okay?" He gave in.

"Good. Talk to you later." She hung up.

Logan looked at his reflection in the mirror. To be honest, he had forgotten all about Odette since Rory walked into his office. What a mess. Two years ago when he decided to go back to HPG, his father had made him a deal. He will claim his rightful place in the empire, starting his training in London, and work his way up to New York. But his father also added a sneaky clause, which is he would have to have a long term partner; a wife, or a fiancée. He didn't have any girlfriends back then, and didn't plan on having any so he accepted his parents' arrangement with an old French publishing company's heiress. They got engaged in a luxurious engagement party hosted by his mother, just a month after they met for the first time. The media in the States and Europe went crazy for a solid week about their engagement.

Odette wasn't bad. She's good looking and well mannered. The type of girl brought up to be a high society's wife. She speaks four languages, expert in hosting parties and social functions, and has a worldwide respectable connections. She smiles when she has to and she comments when she has to. She always does the appropriate thing, according to the society.

He enjoyed talking to her, she has a broad knowledge and understands the publishing business. But that's all. They kiss, they make love, they hold hands in public, they call each other, they go on dates. They do everything a couple does. Even when one of them did something inappropriate, the other one will give warning, and the guilty party will apologize. So easy. So stress free. They never had any heated arguments or make up sex, or spontaneous sex. Everything is so appropriate. It is all Logan ever wanted. He's no longer up to a passionate relationship anymore, the ones where you invest yourself too much into, with grand gestures, random kisses, sweet talks or texts, the ones you flew a thousand miles to surprise and prepare romantic dinner at the roof looking at stars. He grew out of it. What he has now is a mature relationship. Both parties don't expect too much from one another. Just do the appropriate things.

He's satisfied with his life right now. He has a bright future, with a decent fiancée and a multi million dollars company. He's had enough.

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