The Leap of Faith

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"OH CRAP, HE DID IT!" The voice over, Finn, screamed when Logan jumped off the plane. "Is his parachute working, Colin? Did you check it?" He asked the pilot.

"No, how am I supposed to know how to check a parachute, Finn?" Colin answered him.

"I will go after him,"

"You don't have a chute, Dumbass..."

"Oh right," Finn realized. He then turned the camera towards himself.

"Rory, if you're watching this, that means that jackass who jumped off this plane probably still alive, lucky bastard. Wait, on second thought, if he didn't survive we will still sending you this video. To remind you that there was someone loved you so much he jumped off a plane for you. He's an idiot, but he loves you too much. Now please be a darling and work things out with him, because if I have to spend another five years dealing with a non-Rory Logan with eyes like lost puppy and smile that aren't even real, I might just going to crash this plane in a tiny island, hopefully resided by redheaded Amazonians..."

"We're in Long Island, Finn..." Colin added. "You're probably gonna land in some beach houses owned by party goers milfs. But he's right, Rory. It will be nice to get our old Logan back. Pre-Rory-break-up-Logan that is. Never thought I would say this, but I kinda miss his Rory-smile," he winked and dove the plane to the screaming of Finn's.

The screen became a bright white screen, showing Rory's astonished face. She had her hands on her mouth, totally unaware of her surroundings.

"So, what do you think? Think you can forgive me?" Logan finally speak up.

Her head spin towards him. "Logan?" She said surprised that Logan sat her beside her instead of her mother.

"What? How did you..."

"I've been here for a while, Ace. You were so caught up with the movie you didn't even realized your mother went out and I sat there in her stead." He smirked. "You liked the movie, Ace?"

"Liked the movie? You jackass! You could've died! I was so worried, I couldn't move the entire time. You sick bastard!" She threw her weak fists at him, and she's tearing up. He caught her fists and pulled her into his chest. "Don't ever pull a stunt like that ever again," she said when she calmed down after a short while.

"Okay, I'm sorry. But I assure you, it was perfectly safe, I was with the Long Island Skydiving center. It wasn't like those life and death brigade stunts that were badly calculated. But I won't do it again, Ace. I swear. My whole body still sore, guess I'm not that young anymore." He could feel her smile on his chest.

"Where did you go these past few weeks? It felt like you weren't even existed."

"Well, I wasn't sure how much space you meant when you said you needed space. So, I gave you all the space you can get. And believe me, it wasn't easy. Lucky I have an important business to take care of, helped distract my mind a little,"

"Yeah, I did. But I've missed you. All the time,"

He grinned. "I've missed you too, Ace."

"I'm sorry for taking off like that, left you in Paris. I needed to clear my head, and I honestly couldn't do it with you around. I needed to know what the path I would choose to do after this project in New York, and I couldn't seemed to think straight around you,"

Logan inhaled.

"Don't get me wrong. I do factor you in. But I don't want to make a major decision with a clouded mind. Because you do have an effect on me, Logan. I was ready to throw away Columbia for you, I dumped a guy for you, and ignored a thousand others, I was even ready to be your mistress if you had asked me. And I had always easily persuaded by you, always has been,"

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