The Unexpected Turn of Events

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Logan rubbed his forehead trying to fight the exhaustion and frustration he's been feeling since the blasts. He has been staring at the clinic wall for what feels like forever, beside the door where they took Rory in. He couldn't go in with her, he's not her husband. Like that's a problem here. He's still shaking from the shock and he's still terrifies, not for himself, because the doctors who checked him up cleared him after treated some minor cuts and bruises. He's terrifying over Rory. She was unconscious when they brought her here. They found her under the ruins and rushed to bring her here.

It was a terrorist attack, long planned and designed to create terror. It had blasted just outside the complex, but the shake affected the grounds and their house was to close to the tall wall fence surrounding the complex, so a part of the building collapsed. Logan managed to carry Yaya out after the first blast and was going back to get Rory when the second blast shook the house and brought a big chunk of it to the ground.

Logan felt his world shattered, he couldn't focus, he just need to see Rory. He just needed to know that she's okay. Someone took Yaya from his arms, and he rushed to the house. It was dark, and the dust was thick, he couldn't see anything. An officer stopped him, it was Jim from Nebraska, Logan knew him because that's what you do when you live far away from home in a complex of people with the same nationality with you, you know each other. Jim assured Logan that someone had retrieved Rory from the ruined, she was unconscious but he had hoped it was nothing serious. They took her to the complex clinic, which was named clinic but was actually has the best possible health care in the area. Logan arranged for someone to take care of Yaya along with the other children, and went to the clinic to be checked and wait for Rory. He had made a few calls, to Lorelai, and his parents to let them know what happens, and he admired Lorelai's calmness although he knows she must be freaking out. Much like what he's feeling right now.

Logan's mind races with the worst possibilities, and he could see his life flashes under his eyes. Memories of Rory. The first time he saw Rory, in front of the coffee cart, with Marty. He tried not to give her too much attention because he thought she was Marty's and he had a feeling that she's not the type of girl he usually hook up with,  but those blue eyes had captivated him since then. Then in front of her dorm, at Finn's crazy attempt to find a certain redhead he met at a party the night before. He couldn't resist the urge to talk to her. So he did. And he regretted it, because he saw a side of her that he knew he'll be addicted to. Those smart mouth, challenging gaze, annoyed tone, he was hooked. No girls he ever gave his attention to reply to him like she did. They were always fall at his feet. But this girl, she was more annoyed than interested. And to Logan, it was a first. And then at their next acquaintances, he found out her nerd-iness, and he was surprised that he found it cute, and intriguing. He even pulled up some strings to bring her into the Life and Death Brigade event to support her article. Although, come to think about it, this might be where he started to truly fall for her, on that very ground where they landed after the jump. He reached another level of respect to her that moment, he almost kissed her.

Logan taps his feet on the floor. What took them so long? Is is too late now to admit himself as her husband just to get more information? But almost all the people in this clinic know who they are. But just waiting like this is killing him. He needs to see her. He needs to look into those blue eyes who have been imprisoned him since the start.

Those eyes have been his grip to the real world, pulling him from the path of idiocy and carelessness and hollowness of his predetermined life. He could remember the joyous feeling when he sees them twinkle in delight, or the sense of fear when he sees them hurt or angry. Rory's eyes never lies. Even when she said she's okay, Logan could see right trough them. He remembers the excitement and anticipation before they jumped off the scaffolding in the life and death brigade event. He remembers the nervousness and the determination he saw when she offered him the casual dating thing back at her grandparent's vow renewal party. He remembers the hurt and betrayal when she confronted him about the bridesmaids, and the dimmed light in those eyes after the made up. He remembers how lit and sparkle they were every time he came to visit from London, or how she squealed in happiness before jumping into his arms. He even remembers the stern and asserted look she gave him when he was about to defy after his failed business effort.

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