The Office

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Logan is driving her crazy. After that night in the club, and his highly inappropriate text message, he constantly appear anywhere she went. Well, it was his office, to be fair, but she didn't think she would be seeing him that often.

She has been spending some times in the office arranging the data collection for the project, constructing work plan, timeline, instruments, video designs, and a million other details to be done before they go on their road show next month. But she was naive to think that she won't see him much. They work in the same floor, and the fact that the office is ninety percent glass was no help at all. She saw him everywhere. She thought that he would be holed up in his chamber all day, talking with Hong Kong, or London, or whatever it is a CEO talks to. But no, he was there in the hallway, he was there in the pantry, he was also there checking out meeting rooms.

It became really hard for Rory to get her mind off of him. Especially when she saw his interactions with his employees, it was clear that he had gained their respect and admiration. But he wasn't distant like his father was. When Mitchum entered a room, everybody looked like they were about to shit their pants. But when Logan entered a room, people looked up, and hope was seen in their faces. He is a great leader.

They went out several times, getting coffee and lunches. Honest platonic friendship. She swears. There's nothing wrong in enjoying a friend's company, right?! He just knows so much about her, and it was really easy to talk to him. They talk about everything. Well, not about their relationship before, it is still a dangerous topic to go to. They are just talking about the now. It is completely harmless. She can honestly say that their relationship now is totally different than what they've shared before. Her phone vibrated. A text from Logan.

What time is it?

A CEO without a clock? What an abomination!

Just answer it

It's 11.14

What day?


Look out the window

She turned her head left to a big glass window where a man slid down all too sudden with a glass class cleaner in one hand right to her face. "Aaaargh!" Rory jumped. He grinned behind his thick mustache and winked creepily at Rory who was still in shock.

What the hell, Logan?! I was scared to death!

I know. I saw.

You enjoyed it.

I did. Thank you, Rory.

You're a child.

She threw her phone in annoyance. She did not recall signing up to be Logan's prank target. He's a child, always has been. All these years and he's still a child.

"You okay, Rory?" Maddie, her assistant, asked.

"Yeah, it's just this prank Logan does. Unbelievable!"

"Oh yes. It's the building's glass cleaner. Quite some nerves he got, hanging up outside a fifty stories building with a rope like that. He likes to surprise people to, not in a fun and delightful way. Thursdays 11:15 are our schedule,"

"It would be nice to know ten minutes ago,"

"Sorry, Rory. I didn't think the boss would use him as a prank..."

"That's okay. He's a child. Always has been..."

"Actually no, he's never pranked anyone before. He's attentive and a really nice boss. You wouldn't be able to tell he's just a thirty year old just by his actions. He just acts different around you, more care free. He laughs a lot and seemed really happy since you're here" Maddie was a junior assistant before Rory was hired, she has a degree in journalism, specializing in human rights issues, so she was quickly assigned to assist Rory, she has been working for HPG New York for almost a year now.

"Huh. That's weird. I could've sworn he didn't change since college,"

"Well that's the thing, Rory. I don't wanna be rude or invading your personal space, but... is there something going on with you two?"

"Me two with who? Logan? Me and Logan? You're joking, right?" Maddie shook her head. "Nothing! Nothing's going on between us!"

"Yeah it's just you two have been spending some times together, lunches and coffee breaks, and the office is talking. I didn't believe it, but you know how office gossips..."

"That's ridiculous. I mean, we dated in college. And lost contact since about a year ago. That's why we have a lot to talk about. We're friends now..."

"I don't know, Rory. He's just different. You know, a lot of girls had a crush on him but he never showed them any interest other than business. But with you, it looked different. And he's been texting a lot lately, around the same time that you've been texting too..."

Damn glass walls.

"You're a good reporter, Maddie. I see you have talent and such a nice observation. But you should quit gossiping, it does damage to the brain. There's nothing between Logan and me. I just brought back his younger spirit, I guess, don't read too much into it..."

"I kinda wish there is..." she said dreamily. "You guys look cute together, better than that fiancée of his,"

"Don't let other people hear that thought of yours, Maddie! Or maybe don't even think at all," she said firmly. Although she believed it won't stop Maddie from creating a love story in her head, she's a hopeless romantic.

A delivery boy came knocking on their door.


"Two large caramel coffees extra whip cream for Miss Rory and Miss Maddie, complementary from the Boss. He says: Sorry..." the boy announced.

"Coffee accepted," Rory said grabbing the coffees from the boy. "Apology didn't." She added, laughing mischievously.

A loud knock turned her head to the glass door.

"Finn?" She jumped and hugged Finn instantly.

"Mother? How are you?" Finn put a kiss on her cheek.

"Good, great! How are you?"

"You guys just literally met for lunch two days ago," Logan added from behind Finn.

"I'm not speaking to you!" Rory addressed Logan.

"Ah come on, Rory. I said sorry already,"

"No. The scare was too much for my delicate heart. I could have had a heart attack, went into a coma for a month before my body finally give in, and my soul come back to the Lord Almight, and leave my poor mother grieve till her head full of whites..."

"The exceedingly large amount of coffee would more likely to do that than my prank!"

"What have you done, Mac?" Finn asked curiously.

"You don't have to know. And please let go of Rory's back, this is an office for heaven's sake," he said pointing to Finn's hand that was still on Rory's back. Finn raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything.

"I come to pick you up for lunch, love! We're meeting Colin in about fifteen minutes, let's go!" Finn said grabbing Rory's hand headed to the elevator. He halted halfway as if remembering something, "you can come too, Huntz!" He yelled.

Logan shook his head.

"I miss the days when you come to my office for me!" He replied but followed them obediently.

Apparently lunch was about Colin inviting them to his son's 3rd birthday. It's in his New Haven lake-house, "if you remember, Rory". Of course she remembers, how could she forget.

They will go there Saturday morning, spent a whole Saturday and Sunday, and go back to the city on Sunday. It's almost summer so pack up lightly, he said.

"Oh, and you can come too, Huntz!"

Logan groaned.

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