The Celebration

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Logan shook hands with the last one of them, glad this ceremony had over. He had been in a meeting since dawn, managing crisis in their Hong Kong headquarter. He only had coffee for breakfast (lots of them), and a sandwich for lunch. He's exhausted. If it wasn't the contract signing meeting with the newly hired team, headed by the one and only Rory Gilmore, he probably would have postponed it.

It was incredible how he could easily spot her in a room full of people. She was talking to the director and taking notes, she's always taking notes, when she felt his stares. She looked up and smiled at him, and he could swore he got goosebumps. He shot a smile back and made his introduction round before started the meeting. He couldn't take his eyes off of her during the meeting. She was so beautiful and perfect. They were in the meeting for a good three hours, covering all sides of the project plans, and signed the contract. He was relieved. He already has a plan to meet up with the guys for a drink. It has been a stressful week, with all the office drama and his own personal drama. He needed to wind up.

He was walking back to his office to get his stuffs when he saw her glimpse at the corridor.


"Oh hey Logan, I was just waiting for my copy of the contract. Great job out there, you look and sound like your father already," she joked.

"Ugh don't say that. I believe I have my own persona," he winked.

"Yes, you do. I was just kidding. You're gonna be so much better than him," she smiled.

"Thanks, Rory. Hey, do you have any plans for tonight? I'm meeting Finn and Colin, and Robert might stop by too if he could get his wife to let him go... we're just going to chill in one of these fine secluded club Finn owns just downtown..."

He didn't know why he did it. Why did he even ask her to come. Maybe it was the smile, maybe it was the smell. But he didn't regret it. He really wished she would come.

"Uh I don't know Logan..."

"You have other plans?"

"No, but..."

"Then what's the problem? Come on, the guys will be thrilled to see you..."

"Mmm.., Okayy..." she agreed.

He grinned and quickly ushered her into his office. "Wait here, I'm just grabbing some things..."

"I can wait outside,"

"I dont wanna risk you sneak away..."

Rory rolled her eyes.

"Excuse me, did you just roll your eyes? I don't think it is professional nor ethical in office environment, Miss Gilmore. You might have to re-shape your attitude," Logan said with a serious face.

"Says he who took a five hours lunch break,"

"It was worth it," he winked.

They took Logan's Porche to The Lux Club, the name of Finn's most recent club which Rory commented "a very creative name, I can see one went through a great deal to come up with that name..." gaining a sincere laugh from Logan.

The so called secluded club in fact wasn't so secluded, because the Lux Club which was opened three month ago was the talk of the city. It is where all the famous persons of New York (and some part of the world) hang out. Probably because Finn is currently dating a German supermodel who's friends with Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid, and others.

They were led to a semi private balcony over looking the dance floor and the DJ throne. There was a fluffy u-shaped sofa set there with a square table in the middle. The sofa was huge, probably can take about 20 people there, there were white sheer drapes hanging to keep the occupants' privacy, but there were no occupants.

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