The Revelation

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Present time, Summer 2012.

Rory woke up with an excruciating headache. She tried to remember what happened last night. They were at the bonfire, relaxing, talking, and drinking, apparently a little too much because her head feels like it wants to puke thunder and nuclear. She tried to remember more but the throbbing pain around her head made it impossible for her to think.

I need a coffee, she thought.

She brought herself to the kitchen with great determination and was roaming through Colin's cabinets for coffee when she heard someone coming,


"Logan? Good, come here and help me find coffee..."

Logan hurried came to her and opened the second drawer to her left.

"You're my savior! You're my hero!" She said with a croaked voice.

"Jesus won't be pleased," he commented while putting the coffee in the machine.

Rory put her head on the kitchen island, she felt the coldness of the marble somehow reduced her headache. She stayed down.

"Rory?" Logan called. His voice was filled with anxiety.

"Yes, Logan?"

"Can we talk about last night?"

"What about last night?" She raised her head to look at Logan a little too fast. The headache came back strong. She frowned.

Oh God, did something happen last night? Did something happen between them? Oh no, this is too early in the day to find out she had became 'the other woman' on one drunken night.

"Uh, about the things you said before you went to sleep."

What things? Oh God, what did she say... this is just too much before coffee.

"Can this wait until I had my coffee? And taco, I need a taco,"

"Sure," Logan handed her the coffee which she accepted gratefully.

"I don't think we have taco, but I can fix you a quick sandwich," he said studying the refrigerator.

"Can you be any more holy, Jesus?" She asked with that superficial innocent. Logan laughed and fixed her a sandwich.

There was silence while she eats, they were the only ones that were awake and the house was as quiet as a graveyard, and she could feel the intense air.

She was nervous. She tried to remember what happened last night but she kept mixing the memories with the one they had two years ago. Sitting at the bonfire, talking, drinking, Logan playing with her hair, wait! Was it two years ago's or was it last night's? Ugh, it's frustrating, how can she tell the difference?

Think, Gilmore. Think.

She was too drunk, she couldn't even stand on her two feet. Logan swooped her and carried her to her bedroom, oh no, will something happen here?

She downed her last drop of coffee and asked for a refill. As she waited for her second cup of coffee, her memories started to come back.

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