The Closure

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Logan was angry. He was furious. All the emotions that he had suppressed this whole time are surfacing. His could feel his blood boiling and he was about to erupt.

He was angry.

At first at his father, because...well mostly because his force of habit who always blame his father first. But Mitchum might deliberately led him to believe Rory was engaged to be married to Paul. He must've known that the engagement didn't went through. Oh but he did mentioned that the engagement was postponed.

And then at Rory because she's just telling him these now, and for not fighting for them enough. But then he realized, he did too. He hears things and jumps into conclusions without even talk to her.

Then at himself, for believing the worst out of the situation. For not communicate with Rory enough.

But what made him even more furious was because he didn't know where to direct the anger. This was all just a sick joke the universe is playing.

He looked at Rory, who looked like she's about to cry.

"Ror... it's okay, I don't blame you. I can't blame you, I can't blame any one. It was just a big fcked up coincidences," he assured her.

She nodded.

He hates seeing that vulnerability in her face. He hates seeing it without having any power to turn it off. He hates that he's powerless and has no rights of her.

She had admitted her being unable to let him go, she admitted that she planned a life with him. But it was years ago. She had swore never to feel that way again.

Logan was very confused.

She said she was broken, but now she looks fine. She looks fantastic. Well, not right now, cause right now she looks like every other girl who drank too much and woke up wearing last night's outfit and smeared make ups. He means, she's in a good place now. She's the same old Rory, only more mature and experienced. With a bright career and a name that is known by half of the publishing world.

She had made the right decision by not accepting his proposal. And to be honest, if they had reconnected in one of the stories before, she might've not there yet, and the world will have one less prominent writer. Maybe fate was right. Maybe this was their fate.

The thought didn't stop him from wonder though; Did she already put the past in the past? For real this time? Is this why she is so confident to be friends with him? She trusts herself well enough to be around him?

These thoughts somehow detract Logan's anger and he felt a sense of insecurities and sadness creeping through. He quickly pushed it away before it made any significant damage. Those kind of feelings are like wild fires. Once it got out, it will take forever to contain.

Logan heard sounds from outside the kitchen.

"Looks like the party's up!" He forced a smile. "Good talk, Rory. Glad we cleared that up," he patted her head.

She looked stunned. But Logan didn't wait nor respond to her. He went straight to the patio, brought his coffee with him.

"Good morning, love!" Finn kissed her on the cheek.

A small groan came out of Logan's throat. He's jealous of how easy for his friends to interact with Rory. He has been tying himself up in a leash since Rory first stepped into his office. He's tired of being in a leash, but he doesn't trust himself enough.

His phone vibrated.

"Hey, Odette,"

"Bonjour! How are you?"

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