The Meeting

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"Hold the elevator please..." she said as she hurried towards the opened elevator. "Thank you," she nodded to the man holding the elevator for her without really looking at him. He was somewhat attractive, she saw in the reflection on the elevator's aluminum door, tall, dark, with a pair of friendly green eyes. But she mustn't be distracted, she said to herself while looking at her own reflection, and nodded in approval. She had developed a fine fashion sense these past year, part of them because of the six digits annual income she had enjoy from the New York Times, but hey, a sense is a sense. Her today formal attire is a sleek satin creme blouse under a stylish navy blue jacket, accompanied by a matching pencil skirt and a pair of Loubotins. The whole outfit accentuates her slim figure while keeping the professional facade up. She couldn't afford being looked slightly inappropriate, this is a big day for her. She's meeting a man that will make or break her career, literally. She has been working really hard for an opportunity like this, and she'll be damned if she screw this up.

Well, she thought to herself, I'm Rory Gilmore, I always do the right thing, I always get what I want because I work hard to get it, I will not screw this up.

She carefully rehearse her pitch in her head, about how she's the perfect person for this job, given her degree in journalism and her master in media and publication. She is now working as a senior consultant for The New York Times, overseeing the research and publications for gender related stories, and this project she's coming for now is a huge project. A documentary of powerful women across the world that will be documented into a video and a whole magazine. She will be in charge of writing the narratives for the video, and the article for the magazine, which includes interviewing the informants, which are the powerful women themselves! We're talking about Michelle Obama, Angela Merkel, Jacinda Ardern, Ana Patricia Botin, and many more... this project can inspire millions of other women, it can change a civilization. Okay, maybe that's a bit exaggerated, but one can hope. Oh well, now she's nervous. Apparently the fate of the human world is in her hands, if she can make the best out of this project, and yes, if she can ace this interview.

Ah man, she's still using that word. Ace. After all these years, she still uses the word Ace to describe something extraordinary, and still smiles a little upon hearing or saying or thinking about that word. This is not a good sign. Especially when she's meeting the guy who used that word as a pet name for her. Yes yes, the guy who broke her heart to a million pieces five years ago is the guy who's interviewing her right now, and her future happiness and accomplishment is in his hands. The Logan Huntzberger, CEO of Huntzberger Publishing Group.

Rory braces herself as the elevator doors opened up to a bright brownish foyer, a bit too large for a space up on the 40th floor, but the Huntzbergers were always too much for spaces. She was approached by a neat looking young girl with a stylish look that puts her thick glasses seemed so out of place. "Hi, Lorelai Leigh Gilmore? I'm Natasha, Mr. Huntzberger is waiting for you," her voice was sturdy, even sturdier than her sturdy handshake. "Please, call me Rory, I'm already too nervous for someone to address me with my full name," Rory returned the handshake and followed Natasha's small but fast steps.

She knocked on a extravagant glass door, and they heard a firm voice from the inside, a voice that she has never been able to forgot, "come in."

There he sat on his huge black leather throne, the Logan Huntzberger, talking on the phone, signaling Rory to take a seat in one of the armchairs across his desk.

Waiting for Logan's phone call to end, Rory look around the room, as a sad effort to avoid staring at Logan too much. The room was, no doubt, spacious. To pair the black leather throne, there was a super wide glass work desk looking all too lonely to be occupied by the one and only Logan's laptop and a desk phone. No papers, no stationaries, no ornaments, no picture frames, nothing. Where does Logan store his stuffs? There was no sign of briefcase anywhere near too. She continued her observation throughout the room, there was a comfortable couch at the right corner, just next to the drinks cart (of course!) in front of a considerable-sized drink rack, and just not far a proper-sized of book rack filled with economics, marketing, and management books, as well as what seemed to be a collection if HPG's star publications. At the left side of the room are another set of armchair accompanied by a small coffee table, and a door, which leads to a restroom, she presumed. Or a bedroom with a king sized bed and a satin sheet designed solely for office romances, she thought bitterly, remembering that this used to be Logan's father's office, and boy that man has a reputation. A small cough took back her attention to the present time, and found her eyes caught in those warm brown eyes who she swore look a little tickled.

"Hi Rory, are you still here?"

"Uh, hi... I'm sorry. Hi Logan, or should I say, Mr. Huntzberger?"

He chuckled.

"Nah, we've come too far to go back from first name basis..."

"Logan it is then."

They exchanged a considerable amount of small talks about the weather, the traffic, and so on before went into the business.

"So Rory, I must say, you have made yourself some fine achievements. Successes follow you around it seems. I have been hearing nothing but good praises and recommendations from people you worked for or worked with,"

"I'm glad. I am very devoted, and when I set my heart on something I tend to make the best out if it. At the end of this interview you will be sure that I am the best one for this project. I am now a senior consultant in New York times, specializing in these kind of topics. My experience with the Obama Campaign trail had set my experience in writing documentaries. My master degree in media and publication sets the basis for video and magazine pieces, and my thesis was already talking about gender and women empowerment. I am very confident to lead this project, especially because I feel that this project will inspire women to grow, and set higher goals, which is what I have always aspire to do. It's one of my life goals, you know..." Rory continues her pitch in a confident tone, highlighting her accomplishments and her targets which are align with this project. She was very firm, despite of her heart racing and her mind wondering what he's thinking. He's making her nervous with that intense gaze and undivided attention. She keeps wincing and shaking her head slightly to keep her focus, she must not be distracted, she just has to go through today, and he will be out of her hair. Once she got accepted, she won't be seeing him as much. Right?

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