The Night Under the Stars

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"We should do something about him," Logan nudged her when he saw Archie's name flashing as Rory's phone buzzed.

"We won't. I need to keep him in arms length in case you mess up again," Rory said casually, causing a deep frown on Logan's face.

He didn't know that Archie saw her after her interview with JK Rowling, a day after the memorable agreement. He's sensed that Rory had made a choice, and the choice wasn't him. He's not a great journalist if he couldn't tell the strong attractions between those two. But he could also sense the heartbreak, hurt, betrayal, and distrust. That's why he didn't give up hope yet until Rory met him for coffee that afternoon and let him know that she had decided to give Logan another chance. He wished her good luck and told her to keep his number in her contact, just in case.

Logan has been in his best behavior these past few days. He left her that night after the talk, and knocked on her door the next morning bearing coffee and pancakes. Since then, he has made it his morning ritual to come over with breakfast, waking Rory up with her favorite way to start the day; with food. Rory has a hunch though, that his intentions weren't all pure; he might be doing it to make sure that no Archie came over after he'd left, and her teasing him about Archie was just her way to get back to him for it. While what actually was left about Archie was just his promise to connect her with his aunts; Helena Bonham Carter and Judy Bonham Carter. He'll be leaving to Cuba this weekend.

Logan had decided to stay in London with Rory in the remaining times she has there, and manage his works from the London Headquarters, although it wasn't always easy because of the time difference. Lucky they only have one more week before they finish the work here and move to the States.

They have been taking it slow. Really slow. It feels new but somewhat familiar. They started the day with breakfast before heading to their respective works, regroup in the afternoon, and exchange cute texts in between. They spent their evenings together; watch movies, went to dinner, order in, they even took a walk under the moonlight one time when the sky was clear and the weather wasn't so bad. And when Logan goes back to his room every night after kissing her good night, she finds herself missing him, but always fall asleep smiling.

"Hey, Ace. What time will you finish tonight?"

"I don't know, maybe five-ish."

"Do you want to go to dinner with me?"

"Like a date?"

"Yes, Ace. Like a date."

"Hmm let me check my schedule and get back to you, Huntz."

"You won't regret it," he pulled up his famous smile.

"I would clear my whole schedule for that smile," she said landing him a gentle kiss.

"Yeah, I kinda liked my smile too," he grinned.

At the hotel lobby, they met familiar faces who looked at them curiously.

"Good morning, boss!" Maddie greeted a little too cheerfully.

"Morning!" Logan answered with a hint of authority that made Rory looked at him with admiration.

"So, see you tonight, Ace." He pecked her cheek and nod on the crew before he entered his limo.

Rory could feel her face reddened. The whole crew saw that display of affection.

She turned to see their faces. They looked surprised, but good surprised. Like, happy surprised.

"Oh, stop it guys! Your eyes looked like they're gonna jump out of their socket!"

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