The Other Graduation

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Flashback to Summer 2010.

"Here!" Finn jumped up and down trying to make himself visible to Logan, totally unaware that him wearing a ridiculous red sombrero made him impossible to be missed.

"Hey hey hey, the British lad humbly grace us with his presence at last!" Colin greeted him.

"It's good to be back," Logan expressed. It has been almost two years since he packed up his things and moved to London. He glanced around the airport, and smiled at how little things had changed. Although he sure hoped that he had.

The last time he was there he was exhausted of picking up broken pieces of his heart, letting go and saying goodbye to a special part of his life. He had decided to start fresh, and accepted his father's offer to head the London quarter.

Maybe Europe will treat him better, because America certainly hasn't. He has been holding on to the past for far too long, it's been a whole year and it's time for him to let go. Let go of any friggin hope he still has for Rory.

Right after Rory's graduation, and her rejection to his proposal, Logan flew to California with dark clouds hanging over his head; no money, no family, no girlfriend. He felt so alone and unsure of what the future holds. At first it was anger, a heavy pack of anger and resentment and disappointment that he pointed towards Rory's direction. But when the anger subdued, it was a constant wave of sadness, and loneliness, and loss. He was grieving for Rory, and their love, and the life they could have had together. He distracted himself with work. But he didn't work really hard just to forget about Rory, he also worked to prove to this emerging internet company called Facebook, that he wasn't just a rich kid rebelling on daddy. And boy did he impressed them. But every night after work, he went to the nearest bar and tried to numb his feelings with alcohol. He couldn't bear the pain and the loneliness, and he hated himself for missing Rory that much after she rejected him. Being with other women doesn't work anymore, they were all just blurry images to him, satisfying in bed, but never leave enough mark for him to remember their names.

He found himself constantly checking on Rory's progress through her social media and the news of the campaign. Until one day he stumbled on a news about one politician's grandson who went out with a stunning talented young writer in Chicago. They were spotted leaving a classic Michelin restaurant in the area, hand in hand. God, she looked gorgeous. He couldn't help but caressing the picture on his phone. He ended up drinking half of the bar and slept at the end of the stairs, apparently unable to move himself up to his apartment. He opened his eyes the next morning to an angelic face with an innocent pair of green eyes and a head full of blonde locks.

Sarah took care of him that day, and the day after, and the day after. He accepted her unspoken offer to look after him, and didn't say anything when she moved her stuff from two floors down to his apartment. She is a nurse. And she nursed him back to normal. He didn't go out drinking every night anymore. He was calmed, and he had a nice and relaxed couple of months with Sarah.

Things were great up until the election was over, and the campaign team was dissolved. He found himself anxiously waiting, waiting for Rory to call, waiting for some sort of miracle where Rory would give them another chance. He had been thinking a lot, and he finally admitted that he had pushed Rory too far with his proposal. He knew Rory wasn't ready, but he pushed anyway. He pushed her away. But he had learnt his lessons, and he was ready to reconnect with Rory, the love of his life, in any way that girl would want him.

He tried so hard to broke it off with Sarah without breaking her heart too much, but he still did. She was so broken she forgot to mention a friend of his with a pair of mesmerizing blue eyes and a serious face came to visit. She left the next morning with a note for Logan to take care of himself, and his heart.

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