The Trip to the West Coast

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Flashbacks from Summer 2008.

Rory stared at those two letters; Columbia University and UC Berkeley. Both accepted her to join their Graduate School of Journalism. What an honor. She also has a job offer from the San Jose Mercury News.

All she had to do was say yes, to one of those opportunities. How does she decide? She's been postponing the decision making since she got back to Stars Hollow last week at the end of the campaign trail. It had been very fruitful; she's got lots of knowledge and experience, and formed new connections, hence the offers.

Her work with the Obama Campaign trail was a hit that had put her in the spotlight. She basically managed the campaign's publications; the blogs, the press releases, the social media materials, and most of the contents for publications. She even contributed in writing one of his speeches.

All those publications and the campaign events had earned her connections with significant people of the journalism world and political world. One time she met Barbara Ehrenreich, a literary genius, who taught her that marriage is socialism among two people, in which she ended up quoting herself in one of her literary works. She was so impressed by Rory who she called "a promising girl with a brilliant mind and an incredulous talent for reporting" thet she wrote her a recommendation letter for Columbia University. She also inspired Rory to focus herself into gender based journalism.

And then the other time she met a former Mayor of Chicago, Richard Daley, who happened to know her Grandpa, and insisted her to go out with his Grandson. He claimed that Rory was too serious for a pretty girl that young, and that she should take a break and enjoy life a little. He also wrote a recommendation for Rory though.

She also met Mr. R. Keith, digital managing editor of San Jose Mercury News, who spent almost two hours talking with her in one of the office functions in San Jose, and laughed at her opinion on Sesame Street -don't ask how they got into that topic- and ended up offering her a position in the paper as a junior reporter. He could recognize talent when he sees it, he said.

At the end of the trail, she had one job offer and two recommendation letters. Oups, make that three recommendation letters! She's got one from Obama himself too!

So there she was, at her childhood home in Stars Hollow, after a whole year on the road, trying to decide on her future.

It is frustrating.

They are all too good of opportunities that not even her pro/con list could help her. She was doomed. How do people make this kind of life altering decision in such a short notice? She only had one week.

It has been a great week nevertheless, pretending she was still in high school living under her mother's roof, being friendly with the neighbors, helping Sookie in the kitchen, bothering Michel at the inn, always updated on the town's gossips, and participate in the town's meeting, but it's time to face the music. She must decide. Well, truth is, the Columbia's dean of admission had been calling, she needed a confirmation in within this week. Not even a prominent young writer with recommendation from Obama himself could hold off a seat into their program.

She groaned and buried herself in her pillows.

"Hey, daughter..." her mother greeted from the opened door.

"Mother! Just the person I'm longing to see! What you got? I can smell Luke's burger..."

"Yes, i've been telling him to quit working in the diner and stay at home. I can be a sole breadwinner if he can provide me endless supply of bread, I wouldn't mind..."

"And fries..." She dropped the letters on the table in the process of moving the fries from the bag into her mouth.

Lorelai eyed the letters.

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