The Repeated Heartbreaks

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"Helo, fruit of my loin... big day today, huh kid?"

Rory half open her eyes trying to focus. "What time is it mom? Why are you calling this early?" She asked annoyed.

"It's almost 7 am. Get your lazy ass up! You will be late to your contract signing that will determine your happiness!" She exclaimed.

"Mom, it's scheduled in the afternoon. What's the rush?" she wishes her mom will let her go back to sleep. She was up late last night doing a piece for the New York Times about a gender based violence in one of the state's prison.

"I'm sorry, why are you sounding so ungrateful and not as excited as you should be? This is a huge day, this is the beginning of the project of your dreams, the one that can make an huge impact to women, young people, and generations to come! This is your legacy, kid! This work of yours could be taught in classrooms ten years from now, next generation's shaping is in your very own delicate hands..." she starts her ramble.

"Okay okay, I get it mom..." Rory laughed. Her mom has an interesting point of view, mostly exaggerated but entertaining. She loves their conversations.

"So, how's the town? Anything new?" She asked referring to their hometown, Stars Hollow, where her mother still lives with her boyfriend of how-many-years and running an inn called the Dragonfly Inn.

"Ahh same old same old. Taylor's petitioning for a new set of plants for the town gazebo but the town refused any and chose for a new Stars Hollow sign on the highway, the old one is crooked and missing a couple letters, it is now read S  Ho low. Not a good tourist magnet..."

Rory listened to her mother's stories about their lovely little town while making herself a pot of coffee. She misses Stars Hollow and everyone in it. The townspeople practically raised her. Her mom got pregnant when she was really young, ran away from home and moved to Stars Hollow. They took her in, treated her as family, showed her love and supported her. They were there for her and subsequently her daughter Rory. She hasn't been living there since she went off to college, but she left a big part of her heart there.

"So kid, are you nervous?"

"About what?

"About you know, meeting him again,"

"What? Why? Why would I be?"

"Don't lie to me, I'm gonna truly call my lawyer and erase your name from my inheritance list..."

"Huh. Old news. But yes, mom. Yes, I am nervous. I've been thinking a lot about him since the last meeting. And I couldn't help thinking of what could've been. But worry not mother, he's in a good place now. He has a fiancée, you know? A French heiress..."

"Ugh, I bet she says words like Croissant and Crumpets..." Lorelai faked gag. Rory laughed.

"Yes, she's very sophisticated and speaks seven languages, so I've heard. She featured in Home and Garden magazine and was envied for her perfectly blossomed Camellia Japonica. She hosts fundraisers for Children with HIV, facilitates scholarships for thousands of street children, and sits on the board of violence against women foundations... she's basically Mother Theresa with a better wardrobe," Rory narrated.

"Someone's done her homework," was all her mother could say.

"I always do my homework. She's the perfect wife Mitchum and Shira always hoped for their son. That and the fact that she will inherit 50 billion dollars and a well known European Publishing Company when her father died,"

Lorelai whistled.

"So the point is, that is a tough competition so I will not be competing at all. Logan and I are ancient history. We just had a lot of good memories, I think we can be friends. He can be a good friend..."

"Kid, you cried yourself to sleep for a good six months when you guys broke up. And I don't think you ever came back whole again. I just don't want you to go through that again..."

"Mom, it's been what? Five years ago? I grew up, Logan grew up. We're not some love sick teenagers anymore. I think we can manage being friends... besides, I don't think I will see him that often. This project requires me to travel for informants interview, I might be on the road for 3 months or more," she added.

"If you say so. Just be careful, okay?!"

"I will. Thanks mom. I love you. So are we still on next weekend? I wanna take you, Luke, Grandma and Grandpa to Gramercy Tavern for a celebratory dinner..."

"Would love to! And you call Grandma to invite, okay? I'm not in a mood to talk to my mother as you always love to do, talk to your mother I mean, not my mother! Anyway, you call her!"

"Okay, I will..."

"Great. Are you sure you wanna go to the Tavern, though? I heard this new French restaurant is nice, but on second thought I think you've had enough of French on your plate lately..."

"Haha, very funny. Bye mother!"

She hung up and turned on the TV. Her mind wandered, suddenly questioning her confident in having a platonic friendly relationship with Logan. They had never been just friends. Even when they thought they were friends, it was always different. She didn't treat him the same way she treated Marty, or Finn, or Colin. He didn't treat her the same way he treated Stephanie or Juliet. This time must be different. They must remain friends. Besides, he wouldn't possibly want her again after she rejected his proposal five years ago. He's moved on. Has been for quite some time now. Moving on was probably easy peasy for him. But not so much about her.

Her mother was right, she had a rough six months after the breakup. She didn't even started dating until a year after. And it wasn't even a smooth sail. Her heart was still aching years after when she remembers him, it was like something big is missing from her life and left a pit in her stomach.

Her mom didn't know why when her campaign trail ends and she was to decide on two most prominent scholarships; from the University of Berkeley in California and from the Columbia University, she ended up taking the one in New York. The night before she made her decision, she flew to San Fransisco in a hope to reconcile with Logan only to find that he's in a happy monogamous relationship with a pretty little blonde named Sarah. He has moved on. He had his girlfriend moved in, they lived together playing house of pretty blonde couple who smiles a lot.

She broke her heart again.

And in her grad school graduation night, when Logan came to the party her Grandma and Grandpa threw for her, she thought they had reconnected. They ditched the boring party, went to a club instead where their friends from college, Finn, Colin, Robert, Stephanie, and Juliet were at, and partied all night. She even left her boyfriend Paul at Grandma and Grandpa's. She thought they hit it off. They ended up in Colin's lake house in New Haven, had a blast and got back a week later.

She got back to her apartment in New York city, waiting for him to call but he never did. She found out later that week that he had went to London. She was confused, but still managed to dump Paul because he deserved better, and was browsing for tickets to London when she heard the news of the Engagement of the Year, between two giant Publishing Companies, uniting the States and Europe. Logan Huntzberger and Odette duPont.

She got her heart broken. Again.

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