The Wanderer

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It has been a long two-weeks for Rory. She arrived back at the States two weeks ago, went straight to LA to interview Ellen Degeneres, then to Montecito for Oprah Winfrey. At the beginning of this week she had arrived at Washington, met with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and now she's in Florida, just finished interview with Serena Williams. The weeks had been fulfilling, but she was exhausted and ready to end the trip. But she still has one more interview with Indra Nooyi in Greenwich, Connecticut. Her brain is fried. That's what she get for forcing five weeks' work into three weeks. She needed a break. Luckily her college best friend, Paris Geller lives nearby, oh she should say Dr. Paris Geller, MD, PhD, she's very proud of her title that she had achieved after just five years from Harvard Med School. She's now an ophthalmologist in Bascom Palmer. Rory is actually in a cab to meet her for dinner.

The meetings with all those powerful women had been fruitful; both for her current project, and for her personal dilemma. These inspiring women had accomplished so much, all whilst building and caring for their family. This ensured Rory that balancing career and family is possible, and that a women doesn't have to loose herself or her career to have a happy family, and this is crucial. She has been beating herself up since she left Logan in Paris. Her heart ache remembering the hurtful look on Logan's face when she closed herself to him. But she needed to do this. She was honest when she said she couldn't think straight when he's around. And she needs all her common sense in order to be able to formulate what she expects from their relationship.

She believes that the distance is good for them. Because he has a way to persuade her to do something without she even realized it. So yeah, distance is necessary.  They can each evaluate their actions and come up with a compromise or proposition on how to move forward. But it wasn't easy alright. She misses him every second of the day. He had texted her before her flight to London, just a simple 'Safe flight, xx' and she appreciated him giving her space. He didn't even forced the company jet on her, nor did he show up at her hotel. She thinks that this is a good sign. He needs to believe that she wouldn't bail on them, that she wouldn't leave whatever it is that they have, that she just needed space.

But again, she's been missing him a lot.

They do communicate; with rare texts, and they were all flat, because both were hanging out on the unaddressed elephant in the air. So, she's been miserable. All the weeks they spent together had made her more in love with him than she ever thought possible. Those weeks kind of erased the years of separation, and instead of starting from scratch, the feelings picked up from where they've left off, and has been increasing since then. Hence the massive heart ache for not seeing each other, kissing and cuddling, or even just a simple good morning text.

She couldn't wait to go back to New York. But then what? How could she asked them to compromise while she hasn't even figured out yet what she expects from him? Or how he can convince her that he's changed and he will include her in decisions that affects her? All these thoughts added to her already throbbing head.

Her phone buzzes.

"Hey mom..."

"Kiddo! How are you?"

"Exhausted! Gosh, I'm so tired mom. It's crazy how we keep up with their schedule. Everything is in a rush, they don't waste time. I mean, I have been a fast paced kind of girl too, but these women are in warp speed. They never seemed to settle for more than a minute, they were always moving, or doing something..."

"You do know that when I say how are you I didn't like, meant to ask how are you, right? How are yous are like the new hallo or hi. And people just ask them away like a greeting. We don't really wanted answer, let alone a two minutes rant about Superwomen and their warp speed,"

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