The Coffee Talks

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"Yes, Rory?"

"You haven't said anything. I guess I must've rambled for quite some time now, but you didn't stop me and now I'm finished, and you aren't saying anything,"

She looked confused and worried. Her eyebrow crumpled at the centre of the forehead.

"Ah, I'm just thinking about lunch. I'm starving, I only had bread for breakfast. There's a coffee shop down there that makes a great sandwich. Would you like to come with me for lunch, Rory?" he asked while standing up and putting his phone is his pocket.

"What? But we're in a middle of interview here Logan, and it's only 11 o'clock anyway..." she tried to argue.

"Come on, Rory. Live a little."

He pushes the intercom. "I'm gonna go for lunch, push my 1 o'clock to tomorrow, please Nat?"

"What about your 3 o'clock with Mr. Sanders?" Natasha asked confused, her boss had never pushed meetings before.

"Push him too," he said with a smirk.

"You coming, Rory?" he's already at the door.

Rory quickened her paces trying to keep up with Logan. They went pass several interested heads pretending to work on their computers but kept eyes on them passing by.

"I see that being CEO works well for you, Logan," she commented when they're in the elevator.

"Yeah, it has its perks," he chuckled, knowing all too well that there is hint of disapproval in that pretty little head of hers.

"So what about the interview?"

"What about it?"

"What's the verdict! You might play around and having lunches at 11am because your life is already where you want it to be, Logan. But I want that job, it's important to me, it's my..." she didn't finish because he finished it for her, "life goal, yes I heard that Rory... most people will dream and make working for the Times their life goal but you, you have to go beyond that, you're extraordinary, you know that?" he let out a small laugh.

"What do you mean?" she pushed. He shrugged.

"Logan..." she sighed.

He looked at her with his famous smile.

"You're hired, Ace."

She squealed and jumped a little, slightly unprofessional. "Really? Oh my God! Thank you, Logan! You don't know how much it means to me... oh my God, I'm so happy. I'm gonna write the best pieces I've ever written!" her happy ramble got paused because several people got into their elevator. But her feet ticking the floor unable to contain her excitement. She eyed Logan through the door reflection. He maintained a straight face but Rory knows him a little too well to know he's smiling inside.

Oh! And did he called her Ace? Did he, or was is just her imagination? Boy, how long was it since the last time he called her Ace? She thought it was exaggerating, but so sweet. He didn't let others call her that, not even his best friends who had became her best friends too.

They got off the elevator on ground floor and he led her to the north side of the building which housed a surprisingly spacious coffee shop. The design was simple, kind of rustic style. They were quickly seated at a private room with two comfortable two seaters sofa separated by a wooden coffee table. They sat opposite across the table. He handed her the menu. "You should try the BLT. It's to die for..." he said.

"Okay, I guess I'll try it... and I'll have the extra large fries too, please" she said to the waiter. "I'll have the same. And please put on extra chili for her, thank you..." he said, handing over the menu to the waiter. She was surprised he still remembers her chili addiction, but didn't say anything. She ordered a large coke while he opted for a glass of lemon juice.

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