The Free Fall

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"If someone asks why we are late, I'm going to blame you. You and your slow movements due to old age," Rory stated while driving from Stars Hollow to New York to attend Elias Huntzberger's birthday party, in which they will also announce the start of her project officially.

"Me? I wasn't the one who took forever to zip her dress because she forgot that she had two burgers for lunch and a taco," her mother countered.

"Yes, but I did zip it in not more that two minutes. While you, you searched for your red lipstick for almost ten minutes!"

"What's wrong with that?! I don't feel confident without my red lipstick, and I need to feel confident, you know why? Because tonight we are going to launch you. Well, your project, to be exact. But I need to be feeling confident because we are sending you to a far east country, who knows if you're ever gonna come back!"

"Ugh, don't be dramatic. I'm just going to go to New Zealand. And it won't be long. I'll be in Europe longer,"

"Who knows? The far East is filled with attractive macho guys, they are exotic! They will find you exotic, you and your paint-colored skin. You might be attracting the attention of some very powerful you men there, maybe the son of a tribe leader, or maybe the leader himself, or herself. Should we be prepared for that chance?"

"Which one? A female tribe leader or her attraction to me?"


"I don't know, possibly!"

"Or... or you'll fall in love with some cute curly babies, and bring them home from the far East. And before I know it they will run around the house calling me Grandma!" She said horrific.

"Stop calling New Zealand the far East! But thank you for the image of some curly kids calling you Grandma, it would be a sight to see. In fact, I might do it just to put you back in your place. You've been so wild lately I might will have to start setting you a curfew," the younger woman said.

"Oh, I might be rusty but I know one thing or two about breaking curfew, and get away from it."

"I know you do. But come to think about it, I might do the curly babies adoption thingy. My biological clock is keep ticking and it might be my only chance of getting a daughter that I can torture, like you did to me." she said lightly.

"Whoa, where is this coming from?"

"From the fact that I'm most likely to end up single and withered because I haven't found someone good enough to share my life with. At my age, you already have a beautiful, driven, talented young daughter with a very good taste in books, and an interesting opinion of the world. While me, I'm not even dating, and possibly won't be any time soon," she continued.

"You have found someone good enough,"

"What? Who?"

"Logan, the blonde guy with cute smile and a smug attitude that followed you around like a puppy, remember? Good thing he didn't smeared my carpet while drooling over you,"

"He has a fiancée, remember?"

Lorelai scoffed.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Don't play dumb, kid! You were never dumb ever since you were born. Even then, you looked at me with your smart eyes judging the way I fed you as if you know better,"

"Ugh, mom! Logan and me are over! I don't know what you're seeing, but we're over! We've talked, and we have acknowledged the past, we've gotten our closure. It's time to move on."

"Yes, I've been meaning to ask, your explanation was a bit vague. What happened, Rory? For a while there I thought you guys have worked it out. You seemed happy and content. But then you're back from New Haven, from I thought was the moment where you two will sort things out, announcing that you guys are really over! I don't get it..."

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