Chapter Two

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A/N: Told you all that I was having a creative weekend. Probably because I am so stoked to see the girls today at the signing. :D First time ever I get to see them and I can't wait. Anyways. 

Hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think through comments, votes and if you want, follow me. Or read my other story, which is a Camila/You fiction, Journey of the Heart. 

I might post another chapter of either Journey of the Heart or Spy Games. Let me know which one you want more. I'll accommodate to the most requests. :D 


Howell, Adams and I were now waiting for the arrival of the tour team at their rehearsal studio. We were going to meet with the ladies of Fifth Harmony and their opening artists, as well as some of the main stage hands, their tour managers and bodyguards, Big Rob and Steven.

Adams was dancing around in the rehearsal studio, acting as quirky as ever. She was always a good laugh for me. She always pushed me to act my age instead of the high intelligent agent that I was. She probably acted more my age than her own age, which was five years older than me. She definitely didn't act like a 27 year old.

Howell was trying his best not to give a smile but I could see the twinkle in his eyes. He may be an agent and good at hiding his facial expressions, but I was an agent as well, and outranked him at that, and I knew better. He was just as amused as I was.

Before we knew it the door opened, stopping Adams mid dance routine. She was sorely disappointed and didn't care of showing it with a pout. See, acted more my age than her actual one. The tour manager, Janelle Lopez, was the first to enter. The ladies of Fifth Harmony soon followed with Big Rob and Steven close behind. The ladies entourage soon came filtering in as well as the opening artists and other stage hands. The crew was all here and Howell, Adams and I were in the middle of the studio. All eyes were on us.

"Aawkwaard," Adams whispered. Howell immediately nudged her to quiet any other outbursts.

I coughed away the discomfort and made my way towards Janelle.

"Hey, the names-"

"Jenson Cameron, I know. I was informed about you, as well as your two friends over there," Janelle stated, extending her hand for me to shake, which I did. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Janelle Lopez. I'm Fifth Harmony's manager. Since you'll be the new head of security-"

"Wait. What? I thought I was just going to be another personal bodyguard?" I was thrown off by this curveball.

"Mr. Cowell and Mr. Reid were very adamant about you being the head of security, especially after what you did at their signing. Though I wished you observed a different day instead of that event," Janelle explained, muttering the last sentence. "Thank you for that, by the way."

I looked over at Big Rob and Steven who did not seem amused by the news of me being their new boss. Great. I didn't even introduce myself to them and they already hated me. Not good for the mission. They weren't going to disclose anything to me at this point.

"Uh, okay then. I wasn't aware, but I'm up for the position," I replied. I turned back towards Howell and Adams who were standing awkwardly on the side. Geez. For secret agents, they sucked at awkward situations. How would they survive other missions?

"Like you said, these are my friends, Jamie Howell and Mika Adams. Mika is your new stage manager and Jamie will be one of the new stage hands. He's great with the sound system and lighting operations," I introduced, signaling them to walk over.

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