Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Final Stand

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A/N: HELLO! It is the end. Sadly. BUT! I was able to stretch it out in two parts ;) 

So... without further words. 

Here's the new and last updates. 

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Kenzi's POV:

It happened all so fast. First second, I was in the hold of my father's grasp as he held Jenson in the other. The next second, I was pulled down under the table with the rest of the Fifth Harmony while bullets and blood spilled everywhere. 

"Keep your head low," Jenson instructed all of us before she pulled out her own gun from her ankle holster. "Move when I tell you to move. Got it." We all nodded and watched as she stood up and walked into the crossfire. 

More bullets rang through my ears. Then a sudden thud caught us all in surprise. 

"Hey guys, how's it going?" Jamie breathed heavily. "Don't mind me." He reloaded his handgun before he stood back up and began to do his part in the fight. "We're running low here!" 

"Pick up the fallen ammo!" I could hear Jenson shout through the gunfire. "Hold them off!" 

"Like we have a choice," Mika shouted back. In seconds she was by our other side, crouched down for a little break. "Hey guys. Having fun?" She looked through the underside of the table. "Close your ears for this one." She aimed near our bodies and let out a huge bang that still resonated into my brain even though I was shielding my ears. A man cried out in pain as he fell to the ground. Before the man could retaliate, Mika sent out another shot to quiet his cries. "Be right back." 

More gunfire later and soon it all ceased. There was a knock on the table that caught all of our attention. 

"All clear. Hurry," Jenson rushed out as Mika and Jamie guarded the two entrances of the dinning room. "You all right?" She checked on all of us and ended up by my side. "Good. Now I need you all to go with Jamie and Big Rob. Mika and I need to find the main office and hack into his servers." 

"What? No," I shook my head. I only felt safest around Jenson and the others. How could she trust a man under our father's pocket? 

"Kenzi, trust me, he won't harm you or the others," Jenson held me by the shoulders. "He'll get you guys out safely." 

"But what about you?" 

"I have some business to tend to," She declared. "Big Rob," She called out. "If anything happens to any of them, I'll hunt you down and punish you myself," She threatened him. "Good luck." 

Lauren rushed over to Jenson before we all left and gave her a short but passionate kiss. Have to say, kind of weird seeing Lauren kiss my sister but I didn't have time to dwell on it since we were being guided through one of the doors with Jamie leading the way while Big Rob took the flank. I took one last look to where Jenson and Jamie were posted. She felt my eyes on her and turned around to give me one last nod. 

I was brought back to the morning before everything changed. We were in the dinning room; my father, my mother, Skylar and me. I was about five and Skylar was pushing thirteen or so. We were all having our usual breakfast before I totted to school and Skylar was supposed to go to her high school. 

"Skye, look. Skye, look," I showed her one of my dolls that I was playing with and she smiled down at me. "They're best friends." 

"Why not sisters?" She replied, playing along with my fantasy world. "I think they're sisters. She's the older one and she's the younger one, always causing mayhem." 

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