Chapter Twelve: Hate Me

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Hello lovely people !!!!

Hope you all are enjoying your day or night, whatever time you are in. I apologize, like always, for the late update. I, sadly, was facing writers block with this chapter and I didn't know how to go about it. I wanted to place so much in this chapter so this one is definitely long. Just a heads up. Anywhos.

I hope you enjoy. And like always, please vote, comment, subscribe, whatever floats your boats with my chapter :D




Mika's POV:

We finally stopped Kenzi from running. Though she did run a good mile in excellent time. I had to give her that. She even had Jamie and I huffing and puffing trying to keep up wit her.

She was definitely Jenson's sister. Unbelievably athletic must be a trait they share.

Once the other ladies caught up to us, we all sat beside the distraught Kenzi as she hid her face in between her legs. Her back was pressed against a tree that was conveniently placed. In fact, we were in a park that wasn't filled due to the lateness of the day but there were still some onlookers who were starting to recognize the popular girl band members. Thankfully the onlookers kept their distance since Kenzi was in a bad state at the moment.

The girls didn't have a clue of what had set off Kenzi, or what was making her act this way, but Jamie and I shared a knowing look and shared the same unnerving feeling. Panic and fear. We had no clue what Kenzi was thinking inside that head of hers and what she would potentially say to the ladies, to Big Rob and Steven, to her father, to the world.

Everything Jenson worked so hard on was now in the hands of her fifteen year old younger sister.

For the next ten minutes, Kenzi had continued to stay quiet, only her silent sobs were sounded through the barrier she created. Ally placed a comforting arm around Kenzi's body and tried her best to soothe the young teen. Normani stayed on the other side of Kenzi while Camila and Dinah stayed to her front.

"Maybe we should get Lauren and Jenson-"

"No," Kenzi exclaimed, slowly returning back into her shell but not before Ally latched her finger under her chin to ensure that she doesn't go back into hiding.

"What's wrong then?"

"It's just-" Kenzi paused as she collected her thoughts more. She looked as if she was battling herself internally by the way her eyebrows furrowed and her forehead creased. It was a simple question, yet complicated one at the same time.

"I always wondered why I felt so comfortable with her. At first, I thought it was because she saved my life at your signing. But then, after spending time with her, I couldn't stop wanting to be close to her, like I was clinging to something. I thought it was the way she was. She was just cool and collected. She was icy but wouldn't turn away from me, or any of you, when approaching her. Then I thought it may be the way she acted towards other. How she never shied away from danger when she knew others were in danger. It wasn't until now that I figured out why," she laughed dryly. "It all reminded me of someone."

"Who?" Dinah pushed, hoping that talking about it would help her.

The more she talked about Jenson, the more my blood pressure and heart rate seemed to go skyrocketing. I just hoped that Kenzi wasn't putting anything together regarding Jenson.

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