Chapter Six: Breakdown

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A/N: Yay! Another update for another story :D 

Love you all and love the support so I have a little update coming soon for you guys soon :D And I know when I say soon it doesn't usually happen but this one will. It'll come tomorrow for sure!!! I promise! :D 

Anyways, like always, show your opinion through votes, comments and follows :) 

Stay beautiful my friends 


Your POV:

After Howell and I split up, I walked to the parking lot and was about to go in the van when two figures caught my eyes. They were away from the screaming fans at the fences and they were doing maneuvers that looked similar to recon and stalking movements. It was too suspicious for my liking and it was definitely something to look into.

I closed the van and locked it before shadowing the two figures who were oblivious to my presence. They were shrouded in baggy sweaters and wore dark jeans and shoes. I figured it could be the local gang members trying to locate Big Rob and Steven and if that was the case, I was going to catch them before they got the chance. 

The figures were making their way through the parking lot a little too frantically now and I knew they were looking for something, or someone. They were getting a little bit impatient it seemed but it seemed to be over when they came to a sudden stop. One of the figures pointed animateldy towards the ladies' tour bus and the other seemed to jump in excitement. I even thought I heard a squeal from one of them, or both. 

Okay. Maybe not a gang member.

Damn harmonizers were dedicated. I'd give them that. 

Before they could even try to guess the code to the tour bus I turned them both around by their shoulders and immediately had to compose myself when my eyes laid upon the bright purple streaks.

"It's you." 

It was Kenzi.

I cleared my throat and held onto my impulses. Remember; no emotions, no feelings. I composed myself once more before confronting the young Jones member and her friend who I recognized from the signing event where I got shot at. 

"You're not supposed to be here," I stated before clasping onto both of their arms and began dragging them away from the busses making a beeline for the security office. She would be safe there until I could figure something out.

Before Kenzi or her friend could say anything further, Big Rob and Steven turned the corner and spotted Kenzi. A surprised expression upon their faces once they realized it was a Jones member. The Jones member. Once they spotted my hand upon her arm, their expressions turned into a hard glare and they made their way towards us in an instant.

"What's going on here?" Big Rob's voice boomed with intimidation. Well, at least he tried to. I wasn't fazed one bit.

"Found these two trying to sneak into the tour bus," I informed keeping a firm yet gentle grip on the two teenagers.

Big Rob and Steven exchanged a look between each other before addressing me. 

"We can take it from here, if you would like."

I knew it wasn't offer. It was more of a demand but I didn't want to let go of Kenzi. Though another part of me knew I needed to get on Big Rob's and Steven's good side. If I didn't release Kenzi to their custody they would continue to make this mission more difficult than it should be. I needed them to trust me.

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