Chapter Fifteen: Daddy Dearest

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A/N: Wow. The creative juices are simply flowing !!! I am so happy I am updating more often for you all. :D 

Anyways. I'll have a little note in the bottom about future writing endeavors. 

Like always, vote, comment, or whatever floats your boat :D 

Have an awesome and inspiring day !!!


Your POV:

A couple of weeks after...

This was total and utter bullshit.

According to these so-called doctors, I had multiple fractures and broken bones all over my body; my ribs, my hands and arms. I also had a severe concussion. Under their "professional" advisement, not only was I to stay in the hospital under watchful eyes, I also had to go to physical therapy in order to repair the damage done to my body, especially with my legs thanks to the deep cut created by the knife that man dug into me. To top it off, I had to be transported through the hospital, or anywhere, in an annoying, squeaky wheelchair.

I didn't like to depend on anyone and knowing that I was forced to made it total and utter bullshit.

"Your physical therapy is going to be soon. Do you want to head down now?" Mika appeared through the door with that damn wheelchair in hand.

"I need to go check on Kenzi first," I stated before I pulled my uncooperative legs to the side of the bed.

I pushed myself slowly off the bed, not even waiting for Kenzi to come to my side. I was determined to get out of my bed by myself at some point.

I was doing perfectly fine until my damn ribs decided to start aching under pressure and started to push against my lungs. The sharp pain caused me to lose my balance and almost collide onto the floor. Of course, Mika rushed to my side and helped me get situated on the wheelchair. I huffed in annoyance.

"You shouldn't push yourself so much, Jenson. You're body is still healing. You might worsen your condition," Mika advised me for the tenth time this week. She started to wheel me out into the hallway. "Are you sure you want to visit Kenzi? Her condition is still the same. She has yet to wake up and the doctors say-"

"The doctors," I sassed. "I don't care what these so-called doctors say."

"Just because we're  in an agency hospital, doesn't mean the doctors here aren't doctors. Most of the doctors here have seen worse with war wounds and emergency catastrophes. They know what they're talking about, Jenson," Mika stated.

"Whatever. They're still wrong. Kenzi will wake up soon," I huffed.

Mika did as I told her and wheeled me towards Kenzi's room. With a slight push of the hip, Mika was able to open the door to Kenzi's quiet room. The room was just like mine, nothing to really see other than the bed placed in the middle. A sad smile placed itself on my face as I was wheeled to the bed.

Like always, Mika gave us our privacy and closed the door behind her when she left. I knew she was outside by the shadow underneath the door so I did my best to keep my voice low and calm since I was fighting myself not to cry again. A hard thing to do when you see the most important person in your life lying motionless in a hospital bed. But like always, I was doing my best.

"Hey there," I reached out and grabbed onto her slightly cold hand. I rubbed my two hands against hers in order to warm them up a bit. "The girls visited you yesterday again, I see," I smiled when I saw the new set of flowers beside her bed along with new get well soon cards and teddy bears. "Looks like they're becoming your number one fans now. Going to the lengths of postponing their concert just so you can be there with them to watch every single one of their shows. According to Mika, they called out the haters who were throwing shade your way. They truly have your back." I sadly laughed. "They really do love you." 

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