Chapter Five: Story Tellers

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A/N: Hey all!!! Sorry for the slow update with Spy Games. I am trying to balance this and Journey of the Heart as evenly as possible. Plus, I've got work and personal life going on.

Anyways. Like always, let me know what you think. Vote, comment, follow. Whatever floats your boat. 

Enjoy this new update :D Have an awesome day. 

Side note: Girls are slaying it in their tour!!!! 


Lauren's POV:

After the volleyball tournament we held at the beach, we decided to go back to sunbathing and relaxing under the sun. It wasn't every day we were able to do that. Of course, Jenson decided to go back to her towel which was conveniently placed far away from where the girls and I were camped out. Jamie and Mika follwed her in suit. 

It was strange. Their whole friendship dynamic had me thinking. 

How long had they known each other? Why weren't thy as friendly with each other as the girls and I were if they have known each other for so long? Why was Jenson so cold at times between them? Their relationship seemed more mechanical to me than anything. And what about her scars? Did Jamie and Mika know about them and their origins? 

I got torn away from the questions that continued to circle within my mind when Camila pulled off my shades and told me we were packing up. It was starting to get late and her and Dinah were hungry. Of course.

We all got into the van waiting for the others to get in. I noticed George and Jenson taking their time chatting it up behind Mika and Jamie who were engulfed in their usual tension filled banters. 

See. Their relationship was normal! Well as normal as it could be. It was clear that those two had something going on.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from Jenson when I noticed how touchy feely her and George were getting. It was making my blood boil. I didn't like it one bit. And it wasn't going unnoticed.

"Oh girl, your green eyes are getting even greener," Dinah noted when she noticed my cold glare. She turned to where I was looking and couldn't help but laugh. I sent her the finger instead. "You need to cool it with your flirting with this one. She doesn't seem to be as receptive as your other conquests," she stated before turning her attention towards the subject of conversation. "Plus, it looks to me like she doesn't play for you kind of team, boo." She patted my shoulder before scurrying back over to Camila and Normani in the backseat leaving me to look back at Jenson and steam over more of my thoughts. 

Jenson was definitely something else and I was certain to find out more about her.

I always enjoyed a good mystery and I definitely loved the chase.


We returned to the hotel and learned that Big Rob and Steven were taking a full shift today meaning that I wasn't going to see those gorgeous blue eyes until the next day for our first concert. Sadly we had to reschedule after the incident with the crazed stalker. I was still amazed that Jenson was able to apprehend that guy. The guy had to be at least two times her size and she held onto him without any issues.

I knew she was good at her job but I didn't think she was that good. She was freaking Elektra or Black Widow.

I assumed I was in a daze because a hand was jammed in my face and Dinah had a not so innocent smirk on her facee while the other girls giggled. I sent her a glare and turned my attention towards them. 

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