Chapter 25: The Invitation

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Lauren's POV:

After what felt like three hours of hard and silent thinking in the underground headquarters that the secret spies took us to, I needed to get some fresh air. I needed to be anywhere but where I was at the moment. So I told the others that I was going to be upstairs, before Mika and Jenson returned from their quick tour of the place with Kenzi. 

I didn't think I could face either of them, especially Jenson... Or Skye. Or whatever the hell she wanted to be called now that we knew. Her face was the last face I wanted to see at this time.

I ascended back up the stairs and made my way out of the rickety, old house. I sat down on the unsteady wooden steps on the porch and just gazed out at the blank scenery in front of me. No house for miles. No pathway for cars to drive up through. Complete isolation for their secret lives. This was way too much for me to soak in. I trusted these people and they were simply lying to me.

"So, how's it going?" Jamie had taken a seat beside me without my knowledge. Damn ninja skills. Now I knew why they were so skillful.

"Oh, just grand. You know, I just found out about the whole super agent lives you all have been holding out on us. Oh and just learned that Kenzi's sister, who was supposed to be dead from a car crash ten years ago, isn't actually dead and is in fact Jenson Cameron, our head body guard. Oh, and to top the whole thing off. Jenson and you all are here to bring down her father who has been using our tour to distribute toxic drugs into the cities we have been performing at and that our closest bodyguard for two years has been helping him out with that. Yeah, I'm just peachy," I glared over to him with anger flaring through.

"Huh," That was all he said as he gazed out in front us. 

"Seriously. That's all you have to say about all this. If you were in my shoes-"

"I wouldn't be feeling guilty and casting the blame on me or my group mates," He looked to me with understanding. "This isn't your fault. Whatever has been happening with the Circle, isn't your fault or the girls. You had nothing to do with it." 

"No, we were just blinded," I looked behind me for just a second before turning back in front. "By those we held close."

"Don't get mad at Jenson," Jamie told. "Her hands were tied in the situation, as were ours; Kenzi, Mika and mine." 

"So it was all a ruse to make sure your cover wasn't blown, right? Everything we've ever shared with each other was just a big fat fucking lie."

"Feeling like this is targeted towards a certain person but I'll answer angry question anyways," Jamie told. "Our background and history was all a lie but how we, she, treated you, everyone, is true as it ever can be. You know, when she joined the agency, she was just a teenager. Instead of worrying about typical high school dilemmas, she was worrying about how many bullets she had left in her cartridge during a gun fight, or if the person in front of her was a bad guy who killed people for fun. This mission, the interactions she shared with you and the others, was the most normal she could ever achieve in her life time. She treasured them just as much as you did. Trust me." 

 I sat there contemplating even more about the words that Jamie had just told me. Jenson did go through everything at such a young age but was it enough for me to trust her again. That was the real question. 


Your POV:

We were all crammed back into the van. Mika had called the captain to inform him of our newest development, or hiccup as the other agents were sure to be calling it. The captain wanted to have a meeting with the girls almost immediately so he was already on his way while we were in the safe house so by the time we came back to the hotel he would be there as well. 

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