Chapter Twenty-Six: Intel

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A/N: Hey lovelies! Here is another update for Spy Games. 

Now, here's the sad news. 

It's going to be ending soon. Maybe one or two more updates after this one. I'm actually sad about this one because I liked the whole spy espionage story. Plus, it was fun to read all of your reactions on this story line.

Anyways. After the end of this update I will be posting a little description of a new story line I have for Ally. Let me know what you think. If I should post it or make up another story line for Ally. Don't worry though. My full attention will be on Fifth Element after the end of this story. 

Anyways. Like always, vote, follow or comment. :D Whatever floats your boat. 


Your POV:

After our little 'catching up' session in the utilities closet, Lauren went back to the dressing room where the others were getting ready. I was left to my own accord. Well. Almost to my own.

"We need to talk," Big Rob stopped me in the middle of the hallway. He directed/brought me to a private dressing room that no one was using apparently. When he closed the door to corner me in, he turned directly to me with a threatening gaze. It would have intimidated anybody but me and my team. "You need to understand something, Ms. Cameron. These girls are more than just a job for me. They are amazing women who have much more to give to the world. So I will be damned if I let anything happen to them."

"I don't-"

"You know as well as I do that once the girls enter Mr. Jones' complex then they are sitting ducks," He soon neared me. "The girls will be in danger the moment they enter."


"I need you to swear to me that you will get them out no matter what happens in there," He pleaded. "Please."

"Why take the job then? Why join the Circle when you knew that it would put the girls in danger? Why risk such a thing?"

"You wouldn't understand. You don't have someone to care for like I do. You don't have someone else's life on your hands to bare and carry."

"You have no idea," I muttered under my breath so that he couldn't hear.

"I know that I have no right to ask for such a thing, especially with the way I treated you in the beginning. This is not for me. This is for the million of fans that need and count on the girls. It's for the little girls that they inspire. It's for the girls themselves, who always put their fans, their family and others before their own happiness. Please." 

We stood there in a silent staring contest until I decided to break it. 

"I won't let anything happen to them and to Kenzi," I declared.

"That's good to hear," Big Rob stuck out his hand. "Truce?" 


It was the night before we had to travel to Kenzi's home. Our father's fortress. Mika, Jamie and I were gathering out things; files, photos and our weapons. I was half way with cleaning my 10 mm Smith and Wesson when there was a knock at the door. Quickly putting together my gun, I loaded it and made my way to the door. I opened it with my gun pointed out and scared the living shit out of the five band members. 

"What the hell?" 

"PLEASE DON'T SHUT!" Ally cowered away behind Normani while Dinah was behind Camila. 

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