Chapter Eighteen: Not All Superheroes Wear Capes

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Hope you are all having a wonderful day. The new Clean and Clear video came out so I am pretty sure you all are. Lol. By the way. There will be another A/N at the end of the update. So please read it and let me know so I can update faster with my stories :D 

Anyways. Won't keep you long. 

Like always, vote, comment to let me know what you think or whatever floats your boat :)

Oh, but shout out to all my followers who keep me going :D 


Normani's POV:

It's been three weeks since Kenzi had finally woken up from her coma and now we were all going to have an important meeting before we head back on the road to continue the rest of the long awaited tour.

Thankfully we didn't have to go far for this meeting since the meeting was being held in the town that we were in at a local restaurant. Of course Ally knew exactly where it was since she often went to the place if she wasn't eating the cafeteria food from the hospital. A close second to Waffle House she said.

As we walked into the restaurant, we noticed the added security inside and outside of the restaurant. Police officers were lining the entrance and I was sure they were at every possible exits as well. Jenson was definitely pulling out all the stops to make sure safety was number one on the priority list. It was definitely a good idea since we were down one security member. 

It was weird not having Steve with us anymore. All prayers were sent for him.

When we finally made it to the table, our management team was already situated along with Big Rob, George and Kenzi along with the other acts on the tour. We all took our seats after greeting everybody and waited for our food to come.

Ally and Dinah were anxious and impatient to eat since Dinah decided to skip breakfast in order to grab more minutes of sleep time and Ally... Well Ally is just always hungry for food. Girl could eat.

It wasn't until our food finally arrived that I took notice of the four empty spots at the table. Obviously reserved for the trio of mystery. Something was up with those three and I finally took notice while at the hospital. They were always so secretive and nervous whenever we were talking to doctors or nurses from the hospital. It was as if they were scared that the people were going to tell us something bad. It was weird.

Just like that, as if the universe was listening to my thoughts, the door to the restaurant opened up and the sound of footsteps neared our table. Jenson, Mika and Jamie came strolling along with an extra guest. A hot looking extra guest, I might add.

Jamie and Mika quickly moved away from the guest and made their way to the two free spots at the table while Jenson and the hottie stood by each other, taking time to whisper to each other before walking closer to the table.

"Hey everybody," Jenson grabbed all of our attention. "I'd like you all to meet Deacon Hale. He will be helping us for the remainder of the tour."

Jenson and Deacon exchanged pleasantries with the other management team while the girls and I were examining and judging him. The way he followed Jenson closely to her seat. The way he would move in closer and whisper into her ear. The way he would pull away from her and have this satisfied grin. 

"Do you think he's single?" Dinah wondered as she tried to subtly stare back at our eye candy.

"A man looking that fine, I highly doubt it," I replied discouraged. 

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