Chapter Four: Life's a Beach

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A/N: Like I said. Two part chapter. Sort of. Chapter three was just going to be too long so I broke it up. Hope you like it. :) Journey of the Heart update will be coming soon as well. 

Hope you like it. Like always. Let me know what you think through comments, or votes or following me :) 

Thanks again for the support. 

Here you go. Hope you all have a cool day! 


 I rushed back towards the room as fast as I could, since I was carrying most of George's weight it was kind of tough. When we finally made it to the door my heart dropped at the sight of the slightly opened door.


I let go of George knowing he could lean up against the wall if needed. I needed nothing to hold me down in case I needed to confront something, or someone. I told him to stay here in case someone passes me.

"Girls," I made my presence known as I entered the suite.

My eyes searched for them but they were nowhere in sight, but I could hear them as they called out my name in a frantic tone. A loud banging soon followed with a voice I didn't recognize. I neared Normani's room to find the same guy from before pushing up against the door frame as if he could magically get through it, desperately wanting to get to the other side. He didn't even notice my presence. His whole attention was on the crying ladies trapped behind the door.

"Hey," I shouted, bringing his attention towards me.

"Get away," he whipped out a pocket knife from his, well, pocket and waved at me. "I won't hurt them. I just want them to see me, to know I'm their biggest fan."

I slowly inched my body closer and closer to him, trying not to push him further into a frantic state. He was already adding more danger by pulling out the knife.

"I can't let you do that," I stated in a calming voice. My hands were midway up showing that I wasn't going to do hurt him. Much anyways.

"Why not?" He gritted, his hand clasped tightly around the doorknob as he tried to get in still. "I won't hurt them."

"Now how am I supposed to believe that with you holding that knife?" I responded, almost arms length away from him. Just a couple of more steps. Thankfully he was way too focused on the ladies to know I was getting closer and closer.

"I won't," he mumbled, pushing against the door. "I love you all. I would never hurt you," he said, knowing the ladies could hear him from the other side. No one responded though only whimpers were heard. "No, no, no. Don't cry. I'm your biggest fan. I just want to see you," he purred as he caressed the door with his knifed hand. His body fully pressed against the door.


I leaped for that extra space and sprung into action. Grabbing for the knifed hand first, I wrapped my hand around the wrist taking full control of his arm. I pulled him away from the door, no matter how much he whined and screamed trying his best to struggle out of my hold. Once his hand slipped from the doorknob, he turned rapidly on me. Anger now filled his eyes.

"How dare you," he gritted. "Don't get between me and them."

He pulled back his free arm, foreshadowing his next move. Amateur. I quickly struck his knee, bringing his momentum down with him. He collapsed, kneeling on one due to force against his joint. With the wrist I still held onto, I flipped him over and secured his arms behind his back, giving him a nice tug for knocking out George. He groaned in pain as I kneeled on top of him.

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