Chapter Nine: Haunting Pasts

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A/N: Thought to give you lovely people another chapter. Plus I was feeling inspired after watching a television show. hehe.

Oh! Who ever said that Kenzi reminds them of the character from Lost Girl. That was exactly who I based the character on. Kenzi is the shit. Love her character and the actress who plays her oh so well. :D I mean look at her. Bad ass.

Anyways. Hope you like it. And as always, vote, comment, do what you do. Let me know what you think :)

Have a good day and enjoy life !

Oh! Anyone going to the Costa Mesa concert?!?!


Your POV:

I awoke from another night of tossing and turning, sweating and heavy breathing, reality versus memory. In other words, I woke up in a layer of cold sweat and gasping for air due to another nightmare.

It took awhile for me to grasp my reality and my surroundings. I was back in the room of Fifth Harmony's suite. I quickly turned to my right to check if I had woken up Mika from her sleep. I hadn't.

Usually on long term missions such as this, I didn't have to worry about disturbing Mika or Jamie since we usually didn't share the same suite, or even the same room, but since the ladies were already occupying all the other rooms and I couldn't refuse to share with Mika without causing suspicion I had to try and bare through the night. It didn't happen, but thankfully Mika was still sleeping peacefully.

Lucky her.

I waited for my breathing and heart rate to calm down before I pulled myself out of bed. I reached for my phone and saw that it was barely 3 in the morning. I barely got 2 hours of sleep. Great. Plus, thanks for my dream, I was wired and wide awake.

I needed to tire myself out.

I carefully got of the suite without waking up anyone in the process and made my way down to the gym area in the hotel. My hands were still a little beat up and bruised so I couldn't do anything that would injure them more so I opted for the good old fashion cardio workout on the treadmill. It would get me tired in no less than an hour or so. I hoped.

I was in a nice pace as I got my heart racing and my mind clearing. Unfortunately, my moment of peace was disrupted with a presence I was not expecting to see.


"Mika, what are you doing here?" I might have startled her since she seemed to snap out of her trance and look at me with her full attention.

"I was looking for you. I heard you get out of bed and was checking to see if you were okay. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Mika," I told her as I continued to run my pace on the treadmill. "You should go back to sleep and get some rest. We have to talk to the captain soon."

Mika sighed and didn't take the suggestion. Instead, she continued to make her way into the gym and stood beside the wall next to the machine I was running on. Concern and now frustration was clearly on her face.

"No, you're not," she stated firmly. She moved forward and was no leaning up against the treadmill handle bar. "You had another dream didn't you." At the mention of my dreams, I tensed up a little but composed myself almost instantly.

She knew about my dreams? I thought I was being careful.

"I don't-"

"Don't you dare try to lie to me, Jenson," she slammed her hands against the handlebar and shook me for a bit from her sudden outburst. This wasn't the usual Mika. "I hear you tossing and turning in your sleep some nights. Heck, sometimes I would even check on you. I could see you suffering from just a night's dream, Jenson. And they're getting worse. Something is going on, especially with his mission, and I'm concerned. I want to help," she expressed as she held tightly against the bar, not looking up from the ground.

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