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Two weeks later, Doctor Fizal checks up on your eye.

You've been going off of one eye ever since you woke up. You'd assumed that your eye had been damaged beyond repair and you'd be forced to wear an eye patch or something for the rest of your life, so you were taken aback when she told you that she was just giving it sufficient time to heal.

"I'll be able to see?" you say in surprise as her hands loosen the bandages round your head.

"Most likely not completely," Doctor Fizal says. She continues to pull bandages from your head. "Best case scenario, fuzzy shapes and outlines. Maybe color. But these sorts of injuries are very delicate and take time to heal."

You can't help but fidget in excitement when she pulls away the rest of the bandages, leaving a white patch over your eye. She pulls it away, but you keep your eye closed. "Can I open it?" you murmur.

"Cover your other eye," she instructs, so you shut your other eye and cover it with your hand. "Alright. Now open."

You open your eye and slump in defeat.

Maybe it was too much to hope for vision: all you can see is black. You blink slowly. "Give it a few seconds," Doctor Fizal murmurs. "It'll take some time."

So you wait. You blink a bit more, waiting to see if your vision clears up. To your absolute delight, some of the black starts to fade away for grey. "I can see shapes," you say excitedly, and you can hear Doctor Fizal scribbling something down on her paper. "Like- like outlines. It's all black and grey, but I can- I can see you. Sort of."

"Wonderful," she says smoothly. "Any pain?"

"Not really," you murmur, blinking again.

"Good. Try opening both eyes now."

You try, and the wave of nausea that strikes your brain is overwhelming. You shut your good eye almost immediately, wincing. "Ow," you grumble, blinking. The black and grey blobs in your line of vision are now different shades of red and orange. "Not doing that again."

"This is good," she assures you. "Any sight is better than no sight. We'll fit you with an eye patch and you can try letting your eye adjust every day to check for progress."

And so you do. Every chance you get when no one's around, you unwind your bandages, remove your patch, cover one eye, and look around with the other. Eventually, the fuzzy outlines become sharper. There's no color yet, but you can see the edges of your bed, the chairs, and the tables at the side of the room.

Sometimes it hurts. When the light is too bright or you keep your eye open too long, it feels like something is pinching at the back of your eye. But the more you try, the longer you can keep it open.

Doctor Fizal has just dropped off your eye patch on a rainy day when a new visitor appears.

The new person is tall- but it feels like everyone is, compared to Levi- and has brown hair pulled up in a ponytail on their head. They're wearing the survey corps uniform that you've seen Levi once and have a pair of glasses balanced on their nose; it looks like they'd fall off with a gust of wind.

"Hi?" you say with a frown.

They wave. "Hi! Nice to meet you! Well, nice to meet you again, I guess."

Your heart sinks: another person you've forgotten that knew you. "Sorry, I don't know-" you start.

They wave you off, moving into your room and sitting in one of the chairs beside your bed. "We only met once," they say brightly. "But it was such a great connection that I was hoping we'd become friends! Sorry it took so long for me to come see you, Commander Erwin said to limit your visits so you don't get overwhelmed."

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