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"Commander Smith."

Erwin regards you carefully, with a stupid neutral expression that he and Levi both seem to be very good at. You hate it.

"You look like shit," you say honestly.

"Watch yourself," one of Erwin's colleagues warns.

The blond man doesn't even look mad. To your surprise, Erwin laughs. "As do you," he agrees. "It's good to see you."

"You too," you admit.

His smile wanes to something softer. "I'm giving you some of our best doctors." Erwin nods to a man and a woman gathered at the side of his office, who both nod to you. "I know you'd rather be with your squad right now, but once we give you a once over, you'll be set to head back out in the field with us. We're departing shortly."

You laugh. A once over- he thinks it's just Levi being paranoid and you need to be checked over.

"I'm not going back out," you say, glancing at the other officer standing next to Erwin, and then back to him. You open your mouth to continue, then pause. You've been avoiding admitting it out loud, only ever scratching the surface with Levi. 

Erwin waits.

"...I was caught and tortured by the military police," you force out, keeping your eyes on Erwin. You want to look down, desperately so, but you won't let this get the better of you. Nothing to be ashamed of- you're going to come out on top. 

Erwin's expression doesn't change, but the man behind him stiffens up. The two doctors exchange glances, clearly a bit more on edge than before.

"I have a bullet wound in my thigh," you start, turning your head to stare down the doctors. "Someone patched it up, but it was someone who wanted me dead, so I have no idea if she did it right. Stitches didn't tear but they're on their last legs." You pinch your lips together, then continue, "my feet are cut up pretty badly from my escape. And my back is..." you exhale. "My back is mauled. I don't know how bad."

The female doctor speaks up. "We'll see what we can do."

"See that you do," the commander says.

You glance back towards him and give him a nod. Then, remembering your courtesy, you pull your hand up in a salute. He nods in return and you drop your hand, turning on the spot to head out. 


You look over your shoulder.

Erwin raises an eyebrow at you. You heard about his ordeal as well: captured, not exactly treated well. You've both been at the hands of the military police and somehow come out on top, but not unscathed. 

"I'll be here," Erwin says.

You pause. "Alright."

You give him one final look. Then, you head back out the doors, with the doctors on your heels.


By the time you've woken up, all hell has broken loose and simultaneously come back together again.

You'd passed out almost immediately upon laying down in a hospital bed, and by the time you'd woken up, you were wrapped nearly head to toe in bandages with a hospital gown thrown overtop. Everything feels a bit better though, so there's that.

Erwin comes personally to fill you in on what happened. Eren and Historia were in a cavern, with a man named Rod Reiss- Historia's father and the true ruler of the walls or some bullshit like that. Rod tried to convince Historia to eat Eren, who wouldn't, so he turned into a titan and charged at the wall. Apparently, he was slower than a horse at trotting speed and larger than Bertolt's titan, but Squad Levi took care of it. Historia's being crowned queen.

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