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You'd never had a memory come to you in a dream before.

You wish it hadn't been this one.


Sairam had always been friendly. Despite the four of you coming to the scouts with no official training or friends other than yourselves, he'd introduced himself to you. He'd been kind. It had made the corps feel more likeable.

And now he was in a titan's mouth.

They came out of nowhere, surrounding the five of you through the thick veil of smoke. It was supposed to be smooth sailing. Levi was out hunting Erwin, but it was Levi- he'd be fine. Squad leader Flagon was going to lead you back to the main group: you, Sairam, Farlan, and Isabel. You were all going to be okay.

Then, through the fog, a titan's hand swooped down and grabbed Sairam off his horse. As he was lifted up, the fog seemed to separate, showing two more titans behind him. "Sairam!" Flagon howled, steering his horse towards him. "Don't move! I'm coming to get you!"

You're already moving to jump off your horse. "I got him!" you shout.

"Don't!" Farlan yells.

It's too late for Sairam anyways. The titan's jaw clamps shut and there's a spray of blood. There's something about seeing your comrade being swallowed so close up that hits your brain differently- that had almost been Isabel.

"Sairam!" Flagon cries.

"Forget him, you idiot!" Farlan shouts. "There's no way we can take on five of them in this rain!"

You can't even call him heartless. He's right, of course- Sairam's dead and there's nothing you can do about it. Wait, five? Did he say five? You squint at the fog and nearly lose your balance. There's two more small ones coming out from behind the two larger ones and the one that ate Sairam.

Farlan: always the smart one. "We have to scatter-" he starts.

The titan in front of you comes out of nowhere. You cry out in surprise and jerk your horse sideways, and it manages to veer out of the way. Isabel manages to stop her horse in time too; you see her peel off in the same direction as you. Farlan isn't so lucky. His horse tumbles to the ground with him still riding it, trapping his leg under it.

"Farlan!" you cry, turning your horse back towards him.

"I got the titan!" Isabel cries fiercely, and she shoots through the air above your head. "Get Farlan!"

Without hesitation, you vault off of your horse and dash over to Farlan, your boots slipping in the mud. "What are you doing?" he snaps as you bend down next to him. "Get out of here!"

"Not without you!" you snap back, looping your arms under his shoulders and pulling.

Above you, Isabel howls and slices through the fingers of the titan that knocked over Farlan's horse. You give Farlan another hard tug and he yells. After a third hard pull, you finally manage to wrestle him free.

"Isabel," Farlan croaks, and you look back up as Isabel misses her slice- hitting shoulder instead of nape- and swoops around to the back.

And then she slips. And she falls limply into the titan's back.

"Isabel!" you cry out, and since Farlan isn't momentarily in danger, you let go of him and shoot your hooks into the side of the titan's neck. It's not focused on you- it's starting to stand up, trying to reach for Isabel on its back- and you fly up to its neck, hands shaking. Your blades slice through the back of its neck in one clean shot. First kill.

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