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"Levi! There you are. Where's- oh!"

Levi marches past Hange, head down, eyes set forward on the path in front of him. "We're leaving," he snaps, not bothering to look over his shoulder. "Come on."

"Okay! What's the rush?" He doesn't reply, so Hange jogs after him, trying to keep up. "Shadis says we can come by for our next visit in a few weeks," they continue. "And he was saying that Logan actually went against direct orders to do the ODM basic course!"

"I heard."

"So you were with her, then?" 

He doesn't reply, continuing his march towards the stable where they'd left their horses.

"Levi," Hange says lowly, adjusting their glasses. "What'd you do?"

"Nothing," he snaps in return. The stable's in sight- he just needs to get to the horses and then they'll be home free.

"So should I just go ask her, then?" they ask innocently.

He spins in place, turning to glare at Hange. "Don't," Levi snaps, and he hates himself for the panic he's thrown in his voice. Their mouth opens, and he rushes out, "it's nothing bad."

They blink. "Levi, are you blushing?"


Levi spins around again and storms off towards the horses. "Oh my god!" Hange shrieks from behind him, running to catch up. "You complimented her again, didn't you?"

"Fuck off."

"Oh, Logan," Hange mocks, pretending to swoon. "You should keep that eye patch off, it suits you- wait, let me adjust your harness-"

"I will throw you off your horse and you'll have to walk back."

"No way in hell, Levi," they gloat, practically skipping next to him. "Because if you throw me off my horse, I'll just walk back here and find Logan, and we can have some lovely chats about you!"

Levi groans. He doesn't know who he wants to kill more- Hange or himself.


Levi thought you were beautiful.

Well, he never really said it. But you had called the stars beautiful, and he had been looking at you when he agreed, so... he basically did. Right?

That thought keeps you in a fantastic mood all week. You're starting to realize that your feelings towards Levi are more than friendly. 

Originally, you'd denied it. You'd assumed that the giddiness you felt was just because he had answers you wanted. Or, after that, you'd assumed that it was just because he was one of the only ones who really knew about you: your amnesia, your history. It was purely platonic.

But giggling when he sort-of-kind-of called you beautiful? Blushing just thinking of him?

...Yeah. You like him.

And it doesn't help that the only thing the cadets want to talk about is him.

After Shadis announced your private lessons and you'd sped through the course like it was child's play, the other trainees have been filled with questions. Several are protesting why you, of all people, get to be the one to have private lessons.

"Is it because you're old?" Eren says bluntly, and Jean smacks him.

You evade most of the questions. The only ones you do answer are the ones where you're sure no follow up questions can come from it: how long has it been going on (since the beginning of training), is that why you miss class (yes), is it hard (yes).

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