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"What do you know about Eren Jaeger?"

You shrug, leaning forward against the table. "Nothing."

The Military Police brigade member that's been questioning you raises an eyebrow. She glances sideways at her counterpart, who shrugs. "You know nothing about Eren Jaeger, the boy who can turn into a titan?" she says.

You shrug again, leaning backwards in your chair. "Nothing you don't already know. I wasn't close with the kid."

"Did he ever display any suspicious behavior?" the man asks, crossing his arms.

"Nah. Asked some stupid questions, sure, but nothing suspicious."

"Stupid questions?"

Your lips twitch as you recall your conversations at the mess hall table. "We always used to joke that all of his questions were stupid," you muse to yourself, but your mood instantly falls when you think about those fun times as trainees and how many you've lost. And how many you don't even know that you've lost. 

"Miss Logan."

You blink yourself out of your thoughts. "Oh. He always asked about training. How to get better. He always wanted to master every technique. Always went on and on about how he wanted to kill all of the titans."

The two people interrogating you both glance at each other, sharing some sort of secret look.

"Are we done here?" you ask. "Because I have to go find out how many of my friends died."

Neither of the police say anything else.

Satisfied, you stand up, push in your chair, and march out of the interrogation room. 

It's been a few days since the Battle of Trost, as people are calling it. For a full day, the cannons didn't stop firing, finishing off every titan down there. They'd left two titans and captured them- Hange was ecstatic. Once they'd found out you were alive, they'd wanted a full recap of the battle and everything you'd seen about Eren.

Eren. That dumbass was the hot topic right now. He could turn into a titan- a fucking titan. And he'd done it to close the hole in the wall. It didn't make any sense to you. The military were 'talking to' (you called it interrogating) any of Eren's friends, trying to gather any sort of intelligence on him. At the very least, it had let you know that he was alive, and by digging a bit further, you found out Mikasa and Armin were alive as well.

You don't know about anyone else. You've refused to go inside Trost and help identify bodies because you're not sure you can handle that.

However, you can only avoid it for so long. When officials claim that Trost has officially been cleared, there's a massive bonfire to burn the dead. And then, you finally force yourself to go.

Time to figure out who made it through.

You haven't seen Levi since you left his room the morning after the Battle of Trost. He hadn't kissed you or anything like that; he'd just said he had work to do and he'd see you at graduation. In a way, you're glad that his comfort had just been that: comfort. No romantic feelings involved. Especially after an ordeal like that.

You miss him, though. You could really use him right now. But you need to learn to handle this on your own- especially if you're going to be in the Survey Corps.

"C'mon, Logan, keep your shit together," you grumble.

You can smell the fire as you move closer. You're trying not to get your hopes up, but the second you see your friends, you're going to feel a lot better.

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