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Your head feels like it's splitting in two.

You can't even give him a proper response. You take a step back, nearly stumbling over the dead body at your feet and going backwards off the roof. All those flashbacks, all those times where you'd nearly attacked someone because you'd been lost in your own head (well, Reiner wouldn't have exactly been a loss) were because of this fucker right here. Kenny Ackerman. How the fuck do you even know what his name is? Where did that come from?

"Fuck you," you settle on, raising a hand to your temple to force your migraine to subside.

He laughs. "A woman of few words. I can work with that."

They're not going to kill you- they would've already. They want something from you. What could they possibly want you for...

Willem. Dad.

You curse several times over in your head. Obviously, you don't know for sure, but it's a likely conclusion. And now here you are: virtually defenseless. "What do you want?" you demand, glancing sideways at the blonde woman, who's reloading her gun. Abel's corpse is still laying on the roof- you can't even look at him. "The fuck do you want with me?"

"I thought the mother remark would've hit harder," Kenny says nonchalantly, glancing at the blonde woman before looking back to you. "Guess you don't remember it."

He could be lying. That's entirely possible- it could just be a ruse to... to do what, exactly? How does that make sense?

His footsteps echo across the shingles. "We can do this the easy way," he says, "or the-"

You turn, and you leap.

"Hey!" you hear Kenny yell, but you're too busy scrambling up the wall of the building next to you. You claw desperately at the roof tiles, looking for handholds as you drag yourself up onto the roof.

Rolling yourself up onto the shingles, you scramble to your feet and break into a run, not sure where you can go but knowing that anywhere is better then here. Your boots nearly slip against the roof tiles as you run, planning out your next jump to the adjacent roof.

There's a familiar hum of a cable.

Shit. You forgot they had gear.

You duck just in time as someone sails beside you, arm extended in an attempt to grab you. You step sideways, about to maneuver down the roof, when someone seizes the back of your collar and you choke as the cloth presses up against your windpipe.

"Nice try," you hear Kenny gloat, and his arm wraps around your neck. "But-"


God, you could cry. Levi lands on the roof, eyes blazing with fury. There's blood trickling from his head, but otherwise, he seems okay. Kenny tightens his chokehold and you gasp, trying to get air into your lungs.

"You try anything, and she dies!" Kenny howls at Levi, and his arm tightens around your throat.

"You try anything," Levi snaps, and you're surprised at how furious he sounds, "and I'll kill you myself!"

You're not getting any air; spots are clouding your vision. You need to communicate what you've learned to Levi- Kenny isn't going to kill you. He won't, it's a bluff. If he wanted to kill you, he would've done it already.

You force your eyes open just in time to see Levi's blade spinning through the air.

Kenny raises his other arm up to block the blade with his gun, and with the temporary distraction, you shove up on the arm that's choking you out. All it takes is a sharp kick to the shins and a hard thrust upward with your palm, and Kenny's arm is finally thrown off. Coughing, you drop to the roof and roll down the shingles, no longer concerned about falling off the edge. You just need to get away.

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