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Levi doesn't come back for months after that.

The longest time between training sessions has been two and a half months. Their schedule is cramped; you can't blame them. Levi and Hange have their own training to do, expeditions to go on, strategies to plan. It makes sense that they're gone a lot.

You manage. You keep up your friendships with those you've met, and then expand your group to some of the others you meet: Ruth, a sweet girl with a happy-go-lucky attitude, Thomas, a nice kid with faded hair, and Hannah and Franz, who everyone jokes are like a married couple. You spar with a few of them in free hand combat, or you talk with them while you're waiting to go for drills.

But still, you can't help but count the days since Levi was last here.

You know he's not dead; someone would've told you if that was the case. Doesn't mean you can't still miss him.

"Six more months of training to go!" Ruth says excitedly at the dinner table one night. "We're almost there!"

"You said that when we hit the two year mark," Connie points out.

"She's right, though," Hannah adds.

"We're closer than ever," Franz agrees.

Ymir scoffs. "Still way too far away, if you ask me."

You glance around, smiling to yourself. Everyone's in a good mood, and watching the different conversations unfold across the tables is interesting. You're lucky to say you're friends with all of these people. They've made training tolerable. You were originally worried about three long, boring years, but these people have made it anything but boring.

You glance down the table and see Armin chatting excitedly with Eren. It's been a while since you told Armin about your amnesia, and from the looks of it, he hasn't said anything to anyone. He's never tried to bring it up with you either- he's a good friend.

They're all good friends, to be honest. Maybe you should just come clean.


Someone nudges your shoulder. You glance sideways to see Marco, shooting you a wary smile. "Yeah, Marco, what's up?" you ask.

He shrugs. "You looked lost in thought."

"I was," you confirm, straightening yourself up. "Sorry."

Mina nudges you from your other side. "What about?" You shrug aimlessly, and she smiles knowingly. "Is it Captain Levi? He hasn't come by in a while."

She's sharper than you gave her credit for. "Yeah, it's been a while," you agree. 

"I'm sure he's fine," Krista says reassuringly from across the table. "It's Corporal Levi, after all."

"Yeah!" Connie says through a mouthful of food. "Mm thure he-"

"Connie, you'll choke," Franz says worriedly.

You roll your eyes. "I'm not worried. He'll be fine. It's just been a long time since he was last here, that's all."

"What's he like with the gear?" Ruth says excitedly, leaning towards you. "Everyone says he's humanity's strongest, so he's got to be a god, right?"

"He's insane," you reply, glancing around at some of the others that have decided to listen in. "Faster than my eyes can keep up sometimes. Even without-" proper training dies on your tongue and you quickly make up, "even without, uh, any help, he can take down four titans in a few seconds."

"Really?" Hannah says in awe. "Wow."

"C'mon, you don't actually believe that?" Jean leans forward onto the table. "They're just rumors that get inflated moving through-"

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