3 - 2 (nsfw)

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"Do you need something, Levi, or are you just going to sit and glare at me all day?"

Levi narrows his eyes. "I have places to be."

"I'm sure you do," Erwin agrees. He rolls his shoulder in a circle- his armless shoulder- and Levi has to swallow the bile rising in his throat. He's not used to it yet. "I appreciate the concern-"

"It's not concern."

"-but I know you have more pressing matters."

He does. Hange's prepping their squad to leave in about ten minutes, so Erwin's right- he doesn't have long. "You going to pass out again?" Levi says tentatively.

Erwin chuckles. "I think sleeping for a week is more than enough. I've only been up for a few hours, Levi, I'm not going back to sleep anytime soon." His eyes drill holes into Levi's skull, and he adds, "although I can understand the anxiety you have with seeing people in comas."

Levi bites back his scowl. "Fine."

He hates it. He hates how Erwin always seems to know exactly what's on his mind, exactly what he's worried about. No one should be able to tell when he's worried: not Hange, not Erwin, and especially not you, even though you're getting better and better at it with every day. It should be a good thing, that you're understanding him more, but it just makes him more nervous.

You. All his thoughts always circle back to you.

Levi stands, kicking his chair to the side and striding towards the door. He stops in front of it, glaring at the door handle. 

It's easy. Just grab the handle, turn, and walk out.

Erwin is silent behind him, waiting for him to bring to light whatever's on his mind. Levi wants to leave, wants to walk away from this conversation that he's mentally preparing himself to have. Dammit, he wants to.

Instead, he turns around, glaring at Erwin again. "Tired?"

"Not exactly, no," he replies. "Ask away."

Oh, fuck you. Levi's brain feels like it's burning in his skull. 

"Is it mission related?" Erwin presses.


"Then I assume it's about Logan."

Levi doesn't reply, but his eyes narrow.

"Those are the only two things you actually care about, Levi," the blond man says with a chuckle, shaking his head. "It wasn't a difficult guess."

Fair enough. Still, Erwin's annoying him. Levi crosses his arms, holding Erwin's gaze. If he's so good, maybe he can just read Levi's thoughts and then he won't have to speak at all.

Erwin's still silent.

Okay, fine. So the difficult bastard is going to make him talk. "You sent me off to see her while she was training," Levi starts, thinking back on the 'private lessons' that Erwin approved so quickly that it startled him. 

"I did."

"And you sent her to visit me while we had Eren cooped up in that disgusting old building."

His bushy eyebrows rise. "I didn't realize you felt so strongly about the establishment. I could've set you up elsewhere."

"Why are you enabling this?"

Erwin pauses. There's a beat of silence, then, "I don't understand what you're saying, Levi."

Levi swallows hard, and then he continues. "You know what she is to me," he says steadily. They've had that conversation before, back when he fought for you to take gear into Wall Rose. "And you know how bad of an idea this is. You know that this kind of thing is pointless in our line of work. Why are you encouraging this?"

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