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"Zeke's got a plan."

"Fuck Zeke."

Hange raises their eyebrows at Levi's language, then glances at you.

You shrug. "Yeah. Fuck Zeke."

"I know neither of you are fans of him," they say with a sigh.

Levi snorts, leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms. "That's a damn understatement."

"But," Hange concludes, clearly as tired of this as everyone else is, "we don't really have a choice. It's our best chance of success going through with this invasion."

A heavy silence follows, because everyone knows they're right. You glance sideways at Armin, who you don't think has smiled since Eren officially flew the coop. You're not the happiest with that decision either- he's forced your hand. Why would he want to rush into war? You were finally at peace, with no immediate enemies to fight. Why would he ruin that?

Although... you guess you never really were at peace, not while Marley is so close. And strategically, yes, it's better to plan an attack than to be attacked. But still...

"We've been over Armin's plan based on Zeke's goals," Hange says, and you glance at the blond again. "I think it's solid and I've got no corrections to it. Anyone have any objections or suggestions?"

There's only eight people around the table, and no one says a word.

"Good. I trust Onyankopon to fly the blimp."

There's a pause. You appreciate the transparency from Hange: short and to the point. "Are you sure that's wise?" Pixis says from next to Hange, raising an eyebrow.

Hange nods. "I am. He's been nothing but loyal to us since he got here three years ago."

"There's also never been an opportunity like this," one of the other Garrison leaders says.

"We're going to need to trust a few of our anti-Marleyan volunteers if we want to do this properly, with minimal bloodshed," the commander returns, lacing their fingers together. "We're going to need to rely on their information- which has yet to fail us so far- and their knowledge of the area to pull this off correctly."

No one else speaks up. 

There's only eight of you at the table, but honestly, it feels like less. In general, everyone agrees on things fairly easily, and there's minimal issues. Hange, you, Levi, Armin, and Jean are the only ones here that are officially Survey Corps. Pixis is here as the head of the Garrison, plus his one other commanding officer, and Zackly, the head of the military. 

Surprisingly, everyone works together pretty well. At least, in the strategy sessions.

"I want Levi, Logan, Jean, and Lobov to lead the four main squads," Hange says, referencing the other Garrison member at the table. "Their goals will be to wipe out the Marleyan cannons or anything that can be used against Eren, as well as support him until the blimp can come in and we can successfully retreat. Any objections?"

Once again, there's no protests.

Hange nods. "Perfect. I'll disclose specific details when I can. Zackly, anything else?"

The old man shakes his head. You hardly see why he or Pixis get to have an opinion; neither of them are participating in the attack. 

Hange locks eyes with you, and you stiffen up. "Alright," they say. "Dismissed."

Everyone rises, including Levi. He shoots you a puzzled look when you don't stand up right away. "Give me a minute," you say, glancing up at him. "I'm going to talk to Hange."

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