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You don't know when you wake up, but you couldn't have been out for long, because the cart is still smoking.

Slowly, achingly slowly, you lift your head up from the ground. You're laying on your stomach in the mud, and as you clear your vision, you see you haven't been thrown far. You're on the river bed. The rain is still lightly pounding down around you, and one of the horses is whinnying miserably. You can't see Zeke.

You crane your neck. A few feet away, facedown and unmoving, is Levi. "Levi," you croak, nearly coughing. "Levi!"

He's not responding. You try to stand, but your feet slip in the mud and everything hurts too much to give it more effort. Refusing to assume the worst, you start to drag yourself across the shore, sliding through the mud. Your fingernails dig into the soft earth and pull you along. Thank god for the rain and the mud- you're not sure you'd be able to move otherwise. You cough desperately, feeling like you're coughing up blood. Shit- how injured are you? How bad is Levi?

As soon as you get close enough, you try to flip Levi over, but you've used all of your strength just getting towards him and you can't. You turn his face and nearly sob- he's sliced apart. There's shards of thunder spear protruding from all over his face. There's more blood than skin. There's a giant scar from his forehead to his chin, crossing one of his eyes.

"Levi," you sob, fingers fumbling. You shakily reach for his neck, tears leaking from your eyes.

He's got a pulse.

You sink into the mud with relief: he's alive.

"Levi, Levi," you murmur like a mantra, finally summoning the energy to roll him over. He looks awful. There's chunks of thunder spear everywhere and he looks like he was bathing in his own blood. His face is mangled. You hold your palm in front of his mouth, feeling for his breath; it's so pitifully weak that it makes you want to cry.

Your only saving grace is that you'd warned him in time and he'd dropped his sword. If that explosion had gone off with his fingers in the blade handle, he could've lost his fingers.

It could be worse. Yes, that's right- you managed to warn him so that he could move, even if it was just a bit. His legs look mostly okay, his chest looks manageable, and he's breathing. Yes, it could be worse.

It could've been worse.

"C'mon, Logan," you grumble to yourself, your throat burning with the words. You roll yourself to a seated position and give yourself a once over.

Granted, it's not bad at all- nowhere near as bad as Levi. He did his best to protect you, after all- but you definitely weren't completely clear. One of your boot is in tatters, and from the looks of it, your foot is going to be pretty messed up. There's a giant piece of spear in the front of your thigh and several smaller pieces in your lower legs. You look at your arm and hands, caked in mud and blood.

Nothing too bad in your arms. It could be worse. It could be worse.

You cough, and this time you taste the blood that slips from your lips and falls to the mud below. You lean over as much as you can bear and study your reflection in the river. One small piece of thunder spear in the side of your head, but nothing else that's too bad. Blood is leaking from the cut, mingling with the rain and your tears.

Tears. Are you really that panicked?

Calm down, dumbass.

You're okay. The only thing that looks bad is one of your feet, which is good- it could've been so much worse. Levi shoved you out of the cart, and apparently one of your feet just didn't clear it. Fine. You can work with this.

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