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"Alright, Logan. Money where the mouth is."

You look up and grin. "We're doing this?"

"Aw, getting scared?" Oluo taunts, placing his palms on the table and leaning towards you. You can smell tonight's dinner on his breath. "You can back out, sweetheart."

There's a sharp intake of breath from your friends around you and it nearly makes you laugh. You set your jaw, fingernails pinching into the wood of the mess hall table. "Well," you say dryly, glancing sideways at Armin and Eren. "I already knew I wanted to fight you, but that sweetheart bit really solidified it."

"Picking fights with the Levi Squad?" Jean asks, shaking his head. "Seriously?"

You gape at him. "Excuse me? He came up to me, I didn't pick shit-"

Eren coughs awkwardly. "Sort of."

"Eren, you little shit."

"Well?" Oluo backs up from the table into the aisle, beckoning to you with two fingers. "C'mon, Logan. Private training and nothing to show for it?"

Your eyes search for Levi. He's leaning against the wall, tea cup balanced in his fingertips. His eyes meet yours and his expression doesn't change- that's as good as permission for you. "Alright," you agree, standing up from the table.

A collective murmur rises from around the table. "Can't believe she's fighting the Levi Squad," Connie mutters.

"Not all of them," you correct, carefully stepping by Krista and moving out into the aisle space. "Just this dickhead."

There's an "ooo" from some of the nearby tables- apparently Oluo has collected some attention and now there's a bit of an audience. "Oluo," Petra says from the table on the other side of the aisle. "Why are you picking fights with the newbies the day before the expedition?"

"Exactly because it's the day before the expedition," Oluo returns, pointing a finger at you. "If she up and dies tomorrow, then I'll never get the chance!"

"Morbid," Ymir remarks from your table.

"Oluo," Eld warns from what the rest of the mess hall has dubbed 'the Levi Squad table'. Despite the average table being able to squeeze ten people (twelve if necessary, Sasha and Connie have done it before), only the four of them sit there. No one else comes near. Even Levi refuses to sit; he stands at the edge of the room, eyes surveying all of the corps. "C'mon. Captain Levi won't allow this."

Levi's a few meters away, and from what you understand, he doesn't care. Several scouts turn to Levi, waiting for him to say something.

"Place your bets," Jean interrupts.

"Money's on Logan," Reiner says immediately. There's a murmur of assent from around the table.

You laugh and make a heart with your hands. "I love you guys."

"Biased!" Oluo shouts, fingers pointing accusingly at your friends in the 104th. "C'mon, Petra, back me up."

"What?" Petra says in disbelief. "Oluo, you can't ask me to-"

"Money's on Oluo," Gunther says with a sigh, rolling his eyes. "Happy now?"

"No, not until I've got Captain's bet!" Oluo says loudly, turning to look at Levi. The captain in question raises his eyebrows, unbothered. You can't help but grin to yourself- you can tell he's amused. Otherwise he would've broken this up already or called you off. 

He raises his tea to his lips, then says, "Logan."

The chaos that ensues afterwards is hilarious. Oluo looks like you've beaten him already, the Levi Squad look genuinely surprised, and your friends are snickering and exchanging high fives. You smirk to yourself, then raise your fists up into a sparring position. "Still want to go through with this?" you taunt, fingernails pinching into your palms.

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