3 - 8 (nsfw)

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The night before the Shiganshina battle is rowdy.

From what you overheard, someone spent two months worth of rations on tonight's dinner, and you can definitely tell. The sheer amount of meat on these tables in more than you've seen in your lifetime (or what you remember of your lifetime, at least) and Sasha looks like she's died and gone to heaven. She's absolutely feral and has to be tied to a post in order to be detained so that others can actually enjoy the food too.

Levi's off discussing something with Erwin, so he's not going to be here until later. That's fine with you; you know you're spending tonight with him and that way, you can spend some time with your friends right now. 

There's a whole bunch of new recruits too- people who have transferred from other branches. A whole lot more 'suicidal dumbasses', as the MPs would call you.

"Is it okay to let them go on?"

Armin's question drags you out of your thoughts. You glance up to where Eren and Jean are tussling again, exchanging blows in front of a crowd of onlookers.

"Yeah," Mikasa says, smiling to herself. "I think it's fine."

"Seconded," you add, grinning as you watch Eren sink his fist into Jean's stomach. "This is nostalgic."

Armin hums in agreement.

Besides, Eren and Jean seem like they're tiring themselves out. The pauses between hits grows, and their eyes are starting to get a bit frantic as they look around at the crowd- almost like they're wondering why no one's jumped in to stop them yet.

Sure enough, someone does. Fresh out of his evening meeting, Levi steps in, shooting his foot straight into Eren's stomach and then planting a fist into Jean's chest. "All of you are getting carried away," he warns as both boys collapse to the ground. "Go to bed and clean up."


Everyone starts collecting their dishes. You keep your eyes on Levi, and eventually, he finds you in the crowd. He nods to you and looks like he's about to come over when he's approached by one of the squad leaders and the man locks him into conversation.

You sigh. You'll have to catch him outside. 

You're swept along with the other cadets as everyone leaves the mess hall, returning plates and garbage to the designated areas before you leave. You wait for a while, but Levi's not among those leaving. He must've gone out a different way.

Curious, you wander around the streets for a bit, looking for Levi. You're not the biggest fan of being alone and you'd rather find your partner and go with him, wherever he is.

Your footsteps echo along the stone as you head down the street, eyes flickering from side to side as you keep an eye out for where he could be. You see Mikasa, Eren, and Armin gathered on the steps up to some open building and you wave to them as you pass; they look like they're engaged in their own private conversation and you don't want to interrupt.

Your hand drops- there's a shadow underneath the door behind them. Is someone spying on them?

"Sorry," you say, excusing yourself as you move up the steps and into the open area. You look towards the shadow, and you're surprised to see Levi. He's sitting against the wooden door, knees up, head down.

He looks up when he sees you, and his eyes widen slightly, then lower back to the ground. You get the hint and you move to his other side, dropping yourself to the ground.

He's listening. You listen too.

"There's no way to go back entirely," Eren is saying, and your eyes flicker to Levi briefly before dropping back to the ground. "Which is why we have to make them pay."

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