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Sparring with Levi sucks.

It's difficult, going from being the top of your class and able to match anyone they put you against to being absolute shit when working with Levi. He's better than you in literally every regard: he's faster, stronger, smarter. Well, he's humanity's strongest, supposedly- he has to be. Doesn't mean you have to like it.

Once Levi's dumped you on your ass for the tenth time, you groan. "It's hardly sparring if it's so one sided," you complain, shoving yourself up to your feet.

"Then get better at it," is Levi's only response.

"Teach me something, then," you demand, bringing your hands up to a fighting position.

"You got this, Logan!" Hange cheers from the sideline.

You shoot them a glare. "You want to get in here, then?"

Levi charges at you, and before you can blink, he's got your arm in his hands, his back to you, and his feet between yours. Levi whips you over his shoulder and all of the air is slammed out of your lungs when you hit the ground.

"Lesson one," he says calmly, pressing his knee into your rib cage, "don't get distracted."

"Sorry!" Hange calls.

Levi's head turns to glare at them, and you use Levi's temporary change in focus to make your move. You kick up with your foot and twist on the ground, bringing your boot into Levi's side. You manage to scramble up to your knees. "Like that?" you taunt, shaking your arm from his grip.

"No," Levi replies, and he knocks you onto your back again with a knee to your sternum. You groan as you hit the ground. "Not even close."

"She almost got you!" Hange says from the other side of the sparring barn.

"No, she didn't," Levi disagrees, standing up and letting you go. With a sigh, you drag yourself to your feet. "Lesson two, don't be cocky."

You roll your eyes. "I wasn't being cocky. One of these days, I'll catch you off guard."

He snorts. "Yeah, like you could ever make that happen."

"I can, and I will," you promise.

Spoiler alert? You don't.

Training seems to fly by. Levi and Hange come by sporadically- sometimes there's only a week between their visits, other times it's a month or two. But each visit, you always make sure to get some sparring time in with Levi. You're getting better- moving faster, smarter decisions- but Levi still bests you every time.

But every time, Levi spares a few minutes in the evening to sit with you on a roof. It's become your 'thing', you suppose. Sitting and watching the stars, even if it's only for a minute.

On the first night- the day you'd tried ODM gear for the first time- Levi had actually asked you after your sparring session. "Roof?" he'd suggested.

Your jaw had dropped. "Did you hit me in the head too hard, or did I just hear you say roof?"

Levi had immediately turned around. "Never mind."

"Wait, wait, I'm joking!" you'd protested, grabbing his arm. For once, he didn't shake you off. "Yes. That'd be great."

That first night had been when Levi asked you more about your memories, the things that had been showing up in bits and pieces. You'd repeated everything you knew, trying to wrack your brain for any other solution. Levi's theory as to why these visions were showing up now is because he'd unloaded a lot of your past on you a month ago.

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