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Your blade strikes Bertolt in the side of the neck.

It's not a clean cut. Bertolt started leaning away from you and brought his hands up as soon as he realized you were attacking him; your blade cut clean through one of his wrists and grazed the side of his neck.

Behind him, Mikasa's lunged at Reiner. She's cut through one of his arms, but Reiner brought his other arm up to block, and her blade's gotten stuck in his forearm.

Neither of you got a clean cut. They're both still dangerous. 

"Eren!" Mikasa yells, and she jumps on top of Reiner, switching out her blade for a new one and raising it above his throat. "Run!"

You can't waste any time either. You tackle Bertolt to the wall, bringing your blade up against his neck. You can't even bring yourself to yell at him; all you can manage is a hoarse, "why?"

Kill him. He's right here, kill him-

"Logan!" Bertolt pleads, his eyes wide.

You steel your nerves and shove your blade downwards, right as there's a blinding blast of heat and light.

You were too slow.

The gust of wind and force of the explosion throw you off, and the propulsion is unlike anything you've ever felt. You go tumbling backwards, flipping through the air with no control, the heat singeing your skin. The blast is ridiculously powerful, and there's nothing you can do to stop yourself from soaring through the air, spinning without reason.

When you finally force your eyes open, you nearly scream. You're at least a dozen meters above the wall, and then it's another fifty meters down. Fuck, you're high.

Gritting your teeth, you wait until your body stops going up and starts to come down to make a plan. You're still spinning through the air, which is going to make stopping yourself difficult, but not impossible. You've done spinning drills with Levi before, and you've used them against titans: you can do this.

As soon as your body drops to about the same height as the wall, you shoot one of your hooks into the brick. You stop spinning with a jolt, but your body is still going, and you use your other hook to get yourself to stop.

Finally, you come to a halt. You're hanging against the side of the wall, hip bumping against the brick as you gasp in cold air. You cough; your lungs sting. Your ribs feel like they're squeezing your insides.

"Fuck," you snarl aloud.

You glance down at your hands. The blade in your hand is long since gone, tossed away in the blast, and your palm is singed; it hurts to make a fist. Wincing, you reach up and gingerly touch your face. Everything feels tingly, and you wonder how bad you look. How badly did Bertolt burn you?

Bertolt. You couldn't kill him.

You look up, back to where the commotion is. Survey Corps members are swarming the half-formed colossal titan on the wall. That's a plus from your attack, at least: Bertolt couldn't transform properly. 

Reiner's transformed and is brawling with a transformed Eren on the ground outside Wall Rose. You've never seen the armored titan before, and he certainly lives up to his name: head to toe in armor, glowing eyes, built about as tall as Eren. If you squint, you can make out a figure zipping around Reiner- probably Mikasa.

Fuck. You need to help.

You reach for your other blade handle and cry out. "Shit!" you curse as the material rubs up against your burned palm. Shit, does that sting.

Exhaling shakily, you grab one of the sleeves of your shirt and tug hard. After a few successive yanks, the sleeve tears off. Grabbing one edge of it in your teeth, you rip the fabric as best you can, then wrap it around your palm. It hurts, but it'll make it easier for you to grip things. You tie the cloth off, blinking back tears that are sparking from the pain.

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