Fourth Date...No Third

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(Flashback) Bucky and I were heading down to the park for some fun in the sun. He was driving like a maniac as I couldn't help but scream and laugh.

"You're crazy Bucky!" I yelled at him.

"Crazy for you!" He yelled back. I laughed and blushed as he pecked a kiss on my hand. Once we got to the park, he dragged me towards the old swing that was hanging from a tree. Bucky pulled me to sit on the swing then began to push me and the summer breeze brushed against my skin and through my hair. It felt so nice. Then Bucky held the swing close to his body when he leaned down and whispered,

"Your perfume smells nice."

I turned my face to hide my blushing cheeks as I giggled.

"Thank you Bucky." I said softly. Then he went back to swinging me with silence between us until he asked,

"Are you happy when you're with me?"

I was stunned and confused that he asked me.

"Of course I am. Why would you even think that?! Wait, are you happy with me?" I questioned as my heart thudded heavily against my chest as my anxiety rose for his answer.

"Yes, I've never been happier than when I'm with you Kitty Kat! I only ask because you don't seem too happy today." I frowned then sighed.

"Bucky, I'm sorry. It's just my parents don't like me going on dates with you. They think you're a creep who wants to get under my skirt."

I was so glad that I couldn't see Bucky's face when I told him my parents' concern.

"And what do you think of me Miss Katherine Paulson?" I giggled a little when I heard him use my full name.

"Well Mister James Barnes, I don't think you are a creep who is trying to get under my skirt. I actually love you." He spun the swing around to show me his crooked smile.

"Oh, I'm still not used to you saying that to me, Kitty Kat." Then Bucky leaned in and molded his lips to mine. I honestly did not want him to stop. I loved the feeling of his soft, warm lips on me while the fireworks burst between us. Once he pulled away, I stated,

""And I'm still not used to kissing me." He chuckled at what I said while shaking his head. Then he blue eyes met my gray stare.

"Don't worry. You will be. After all, this if only our fourth date."


Bucky laughed again.

"Still not counting the Ferrish Wheel?" I shook my head with a grin. He kissed me again and lingered on my lips long after we parted.

"Nope, I'm not. But I love you!" I giggled. Bucky shook his head with his crooked smirk once more.

"I love you too."

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