Come With Me

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A light flicked on, which made me flutter my eyes open. My forehead was throbbing with a headache. As my vision was starting to clear up, I noticed a figure standing over me. Despite my headache, I followed my instinct of fighting off the intruder. But then I realized who it was, so I stopped myself and frowned. He stared at me with sad yet dead eyes. His face was scratched up and his right arm looked like it was dislocated. I looked at the clock to see that it was 1:12 A.M.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Why haven't you killed me yet?!" I cried. He started to appear a little conflicted but remained silent.

"If that's what you're here for then do it! Kill me!"

Bucky didn't do anything, which almost pissed me off. I pushed him in the chest, and he winced a bit yet that was all he did.

"Come on! I'd rather die by your hands than anyone else's Bucky."

When he heard his name something clicked then his left hand pinned me back onto the bed. As I gasped for air, I gripped on his dog tags while looking into his eyes. His blue orbs swam with emptiness and anger then deep sadness and regret. His cold, metal fingers released from my neck. I coughed and gasped for air.

"Go." He said quietly then turned away.

Even though he just tried to kill me, I didn't want to leave Bucky.

"Come with me...please."

He looked at me again with a sad face. Bucky didn't say anything; only kept staring.

"I can help you with your arm if you like." I indicated about his dislocated, bleeding arm. He sat down on the bed then I went and grabbed a belt and a gauze real quick. I can back and carefully helped him take off his jacket and shirt. I quickly put the gauze on over the wound that I caused.

"Here, bite down." Bucky took the belt into his mouth and bit down. I placed one hand on his arm and the other on his shoulder. The tears started to rim my eyes from my hands touching his skin again. I had to keep it together though.

"1...2...3!" His arm was back in its socket The belt muffled Bucky's yelps, and I could see tears start to brim his eyes too. I wiped mine away while saying,

"Let me get some peroxide for that scratch on your face." Then headed into the bathroom to get cotton pads and hydrogen peroxide. Once I came back, Bucky was out in the living room, looking at the pamphlet from the Smithsonian. It had Steve on it, and Bucky stared at it intensely.

"If I go, will you chase after me?" I asked him. He remained quiet. I sighed then put the peroxide down to grab the suitcase that was under my bed. Just as I was about to leave the hopeless shell of Bucky alone,

"Take me here?" He whispered as he was still looking at the pamphlet. I sighed with a small smile.

"I can tomorrow morning. But will you come with me afterwards or not?" Again, there was no answer.

"Well um...I guess I'll sleep on the couch then. You can take my bed, if you want." I said quietly with a small, forced grin. I wanted to kiss him and say 'I love you' for hours on end, but he didn't know me. I headed back into my bathroom and showered. It wasn't until after I got out that I realized that I forgot to grab some clothes.

"Shit." I mumbled under my breath. I wrapped the towel around me tighter and placed the dog tags around my neck. I ran into my bedroom then ran out as I saw Bucky sitting on the bed, looking at a picture that I kept in the drawer.

"Can I get that back please?" I asked in the doorway. He just kept staring at the old picture of himself and I that I put away a long time ago to keep from the constant crying. I sighed as I covered up the little bit of the metal plate that was showing and grabbed some clothes. Then I ran back to the bathroom to put my clothes on. Afterwards, I sat across Bucky on the floor against the wall. He was still looking at the picture, deep in his thoughts. I didn't know whether to interrupt him or not. I looked at the time to see it was 2:24 A.M. No point in sleeping or trying to. I got up to get some aspirin and ice for my head. When I checked on him in the doorway, he was still in the same, sad state.

"Do you need anything?" I question him, hoping he would answer me, of course, he didn't. I sighed then went to lay down on the couch until the Smithsonian opened.

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