Road Trip

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I bought a used car for $2500. It was ridiculous how much prices have gone up. $2500 was three years rent in the apartment I ever bought.

"We're going to Ohio. I have a small trailer that we'll go to a few days then we'll decide from there," I told Bucky as we were driving. I glanced over to see him staring out the window, deep in his thoughts. Since he probably didn't hear me, I turned on the radio. A song from a few years ago started playing. I actually thought the song was decent: Good Riddance by: Green Day.

I began to sing the lyrics softly,

'Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road. Time grabs you by the the wrist and directs you where to go. So make the best of this test and don't ask why, It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time...'

Bucky started staring at me as I was singing, but I ignored him and kept singing as I drove. I did feel my cheeks go red under Bucky's stare. This song somehow made sense to what was happening to Bucky and I or at least me for sure. Once the song ended, I turned the radio down.

"Sorry, I'll shut up now." I told him.

"More." He said then turned the radio back up. I changed the stations until I found another song that I knew and liked then started to sing. Bucky seemed mesmerized for whatever reason. I would glance every once in a while at him to see his eyes stuck on me like glue. We drove about 2 hours when I exited off the highway to get some gas.

"Here," I hand Bucky some money.

"If you want something to eat or drink, go ahead." He grabbed the money but seemed unsure of what to do next. I sighed.

"Alright, wait here for a few minutes and I'll go in with you okay?"

He looked down at the $20 bill then I went to fill the gas tank. While I was filling the tank a couple of stupid teenagers started to whistle at me. I ignored them as best as I could.

"Hey baby!"

"Come over here, we'll have some fun."

"Don't ignore us sexy!"

They made their way towards me, and I grabbed the gun I had in my pocket.

"Back off if you know what's good for you." I warned. They started to laugh and ignore my warning.

"I said, back off!" I pulled my gun out on them, and they started to run until Bucky hopped out of the car and grabbed one of the boys then began to punch him over and over and over again.

"Shit. Bucky stop!" His eyes shot up at me with mixed emotions: anger, pain, confusion, fear.

"Leave her alone." Bucky said to the bloody pulp of the kid. He got up and went back in the car. I stopped filling the car then quickly drove away from the gas station. This was not good, as we were already wanted. We need very little attention towards us. I looked over at Bucky to see that he looked really disturbed.

"Hey, it's okay. I'll take care of it." I said as I turned the radio on.

"You called me Bucky."

I bit my lip as I realized my mistake.

"I'm sorry. One day when things get better, I'll explain myself." There was silence between Bucky and I as the radio kept on playing despite the melancholy tension.

"I'm Bucky, aren't I?" He asked quietly while looking straight ahead. I sighed as I bit my lip again. I didn't know if he was mentally ready to accept this fact or any facts about himself.

"Yes," His face remained hardened, so I couldn't tell how disturbed he was.

"How about you get some sleep? It's a long drive and when we arrive, we'll discuss things." I suggested. He reclined the seat back and looked away from me. Deep sadness began to take over me, but I couldn't cry at the moment. I had to drive and stay strong for Bucky.

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