The Assassination

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For the legendary Black Widow, I thought she'd have a more...sophisticated apartment. It was a rather run-down area. I remember when it used to be nice until the riots from the Civil Rights Movement brought it down and everyone moved away. Hydra 'shaped' the 20th and 21st centuries, and I, unfortunately, helped a little bit. If Bucky were here to see me, I don't know what he'd think. He probably wouldn't even recognize me. No, I can't remember my past, I had to focus on my mission. I settled on the roof across the street from Black Widow's apartment. She was located on the 4th floor, middle window. I unzipped my duffle bag to get a special gun that shot audio devices for me to hear what was happening inside the apartment. Inhaling a deep breath, I aimed in the corner of the window sill. I quickly held my breath then pulled the trigger. Bullseye. I scrambled to get the audio online and place my earpiece in to get no outside noise. As soon as I was online, I waited. I checked the clock to see that it was 10:48 P.M. It was silent on the other end. Either she wasn't home, or she was sleeping since her lights were off. But then I heard a door open and keys jingle on the audio live-stream, which was strange because I did not see her enter the apartment building only a man entered the whole time. Maybe there was a fire exit in the back that she entered from. Stupid me, I should have checked the blueprints of the complex then again, if it weren't for that Brock interruption, I could have. There was a sigh from a female coming through. After some shuffling noises, the shower head switched on. Now, was the perfect time to complete my mission. I snuck into the apartment asking some idiot in 6E to buzz me in because I forgot my keys in my apartment below him. Of course, he took the bait and let me in. I headed up to her apartment with my duffle bag over my shoulder, knife in my boot and gun in my back pocket. I looked around to see if the coast was clear, and pulled my deep hood over my face. I picked the lock very quietly then slowly opened the door. It was clear, she really must have been in the shower. I quietly dropped the bag onto the ground then grabbed the ignition fluid. I looked around in the dim light to find a good plug to pour this on to make it look like an electrical fire. But there was no TV set, maybe there was something in the bedroom. No TV in there, but there was a phone charger. Perfect. I started to pour it all over the charger and trailed it down the hallway, back to the small living room. It was down the hallway, back to the small living room. It was all going according to plan until the front door was barged in by a tall, blonde man holding a shield. I snapped my head up to see him pissed, yet I knew him from a long, long time ago.
"Hey!" He yelled then ran toward me. I pulled my gun out, but he protected himself with the shield. Even if I could pull the trigger on him, I would never want to. Natasha came running out with her gun and a towel in hand. I was outnumbered, so I headed for the window.
"Good to see you alive, ol' Chipper." I whispered before jumping out and running around the corner. After running for about 3 miles and knew they weren't following me, I hid in an alley to catch my breath. I was better at jogging than sprinting since it caused too much stress on my delicate heart. I could hear and feel it pounding against my plate. I collapsed as I was starting to feel dizzy while taking deep breaths. Once my heart went to normal, I stood up and looked at the ground.
"Меч Че далось" I said under my breath, which meant 'I failed' in Russian. Now, what torture was I going to receive from Pierce? Yet, he was alive after all this time. Sure, he's grown, but it was certainly him, my good ol' Chipper, Steve Rogers.

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