My Promise

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(Present Day) I woke up with the doctors just putting my metal plate back on. It was feeling really sore.
"Thank God, you're still alive. You basically had a heart attack. Hydra needs you more than ever." Pierce said. It was nice of him to say that, but I then remembered about Bucky.
"Sorry for the scare, sir." I replied to the bastard.
"Well, go home and get some rest now. Hydra needs you and your skills for the start of a new era tomorrow."
Pierce gave me a sickeningly sweet grin to me, and it made me want to have the most violent way of ending his life.
"Yes sir." I replied.
I had to walk out of HQ since I couldn't see Bucky. Besides, he didn't even know me anymore. The air felt so good on my feverish skin that was from my anger boiling my blood. I wasn't going to sleep tonight, not after what I saw. The nightmares would one of the worst if I slept that night. I kept walking until I saw a familiar face on a building that said Smithsonian. It was Chipper in his Captain America uniform. I bit my lip, for I knew that I couldn't resist. Really, I shouldn't go in, but I felt like I needed to. I sighed for the result of my conflicted thoughts. After taking off Bucky's dog tags to clasp them in my hand, I walked into the Smithsonian. The entire exhibit brought tears to my eyes. I remember the good ol' days and how innocent we all seemed. Now they were here to collect dust. I should be with them, collecting dust, yet I still looked like I did 70 years ago. But everything has changed and not completely for the good. My breath shallowed and quickened once I saw the small display to James 'Bucky' Buchanan Barnes. He looked so handsome in the picture, yet my memories also consisted of the broken man I saw earlier today. My grip on his dog tags tightened as I kept rereading each word about him. As I stared intensely at the old film, tears found their way down my face as I saw how happy Bucky and Steve looked but now, Steve was possibly dead for all I knew and Bucky longer Bucky. I promised myself that I would somehow get Bucky back even if it meant my last breath.

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