Time to Prepare

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(Present Day) I sat on the floor in front of my couch with several rifles, semi-automatics, hand guns, and combat knives. This person I was after was quite a handful: Natasha 'Black Widow' Romanoff. I looked at my weapons and decided perhaps this wasn't the way to kill someone with her representation, an assassination that would look like a suicide would bring up too many questions. Maybe a fire would be the best way to go, it has worked in the past. I got up from my spot on the floor to go under my kitchen sink to create an undetectable ignition fluid. I'll bring my gun and knife in case things get messy with her. Now, it was time for a stake out. There was no point in sleeping. I don't want to relive this nightmare that I'm about to do. I packed my worn duffle bag that I got in 1993 with my flammable solution until there was a knock on the door. Quietly, I snuck to my door and peeked into the peep hole to see one of the guards from earlier. I reluctantly cracked the door open.

"Hey," he slurred with a smirk. He was obviously drunk. I kept silent.
"I'mm...Brock Curloww. You-you're legen- HOT!" Ugh! I hate how degrading men were to women nowadays. Some songs talk about treating women like a piece of meat, and it leaves women with no dignity.

"Not interested." I said bluntly. I went to close the door, but his foot stopped it.

"No body sayss no to mme! I'm Brock Currrlow! Not even the Heart of Steeeeel!"

"Just did. Now leave. I have work to do." Brock grew furious and tried to fight his way through the door, but I held him out with all my might. He kept struggling then stuck his face in the doorway. I pushed it even harder then heard a crunch-like sound. There was a scream that followed that and his weight lifted off the door. Instantly, I shut the door then locked it. If I was correct, he was going to walk into HQ with a black and blue nose with a bandage over it. The next thing I did was grab my bag of supplies, a thick jacket, and my combat boots that I recently bought. Brock started pounding at the door as I jumped out of my window and onto the fire escape then headed down. I was not going to let his drunken stupidity stop me from my mission. It was his own damn fault for his broken nose.

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