My Betrayal

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(Flashback) "How is it that after every fight you endure, you're always so chipper?" I asked Steve as I helped clean up his split lip. He smiled and blushed.
"I'm standing up for what is right is all, Katherine."
I shook my head and quietly laughed while I glanced at Bucky, who was taking a drag of a cigarette.
"Always chipper and getting in fights." Bucky said as he tousled Steve's hair.
"Maybe that's what I'll call you Steve. I'll call you Chipper." I announced proudly. Steve gave me a small smile. Then Bucky wrapped his arm around his waist and smirked at me with the cigarette hanging in the corner of his mouth.
"And what are you going to call me Kitty Kat?" I took the cigarette out of his mouth and took a drag before kissing him on the cheek.
"My boyfriend Buck," I replied with a wide grin as he frowned at me for not giving him a nickname. So then I grabbed his neck and pulled him into my lips.

(Present day) I didn't sleep at all last night, and my dark circles proved it. All different kinds of scenarios kept invading my mind. I started my routine of my workout then
"My name is Katherine Claire Paulson. I am 95 years old. I was born May 15th, 1919. My parents are Thomas and Samantha Paulson. It is April 3rd, 2014... hail Hydra."
That last part sometimes filled me with hatred and it certainly did today. I grasped his dog tags more tightly this morning like the rare days in the past when I failed a few missions. I awaited for my punishment in a small conference room to give a mission report then off to whatever Pierce decided to do. If anything, time was my worse punishment. The clock always went forward, never backwards. Pierce came in with Brock, who after all did have a broken nose all bandaged up.
"Mission report." He stated sternly. I gulped down nothing, for my throat went dry. After taking a deep breath, I said quietly,
"Mission failed due to interfering personnel."
I looked down at the table because I did not have the courage to look at him dead in the eye.
"Who was it that interfered?" He asked me, but I did not want to give him the answer. I couldn't snitch out Steve, not after knowing he was alive after all. He was probably the closest thing I had to Bucky now. Steve was like my little hope that I've needed. As I was in my thoughts, a hand smacked me hard across the face. The sting of it brought me back to my reality. I felt truly sorry for what I had to do.
"Steve Rogers." I whispered under my breath, but he must of heard it because after I said it, he ordered,
"He is already wanted for kidnapping Sitwell. Curlow, get the S.T.R.I.K.E. team to take him down. "
"What if we had your soldier take him down sir? Sitwell is now useless to us." Curlow said with an attitude. Alexander Pierce got out of his seat, but said,
"Yes, we'll have him handle it, but you and your team will be there in case he can't get the job done."
I pursed my lips while hearing this unfold. I killed Steve! I shouldn't have said his name, I should have lied about it. Why was I so stupid!?
"And as for you,"
I knew he was indicating me, but I kept my eyes down.
"You're going to be good and get me a coffee. Black with two sugars."
I quietly sighed to myself.
"Yes sir."
I stood up and saluted him then left to the nearest coffee shop. As I walked out of HQ, an SUV was being loaded up with Hydra's finest including the Winter Soldier. He stopped walking then turn his head to look at me. Instantly, I walked away towards the coffee shop. As I was going to a Starbucks, I found a what-was-now-considered-rare phone booth. Cities used to be littered with them, but now no one really knew what they were. Quickly, I scrambled to it and placed a few quarters then pressed a certain code in to get calls without the number but by just using a name.
"Natasha Romanoff's cell phone."
It was ringing thankfully.
"Who is this?" She asked rather rudely.
"I need to speak to Steve Rogers or put me on speaker if you're with him because this might involve you."
There was some noises then I heard Steve say,
"Running away from a fight isn't a bad thing. If you wish to live, run Chipper."
I hung up before anything else was exchanged. What I just did was treason to Hydra. In all honestly though, I was never really loyal to Hydra, I just had nowhere to go...

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