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Elizabeth's POV:

Everyone gathered in the palace square for Varian's presentation.

He seemed excited about it.

"Ladies and gents" Varian said "i give you... the Roo-"

"I just can't believe how much this guy looks like me! And he's using my monaco" Eugene interrupted.

Varian cleared his throat "i'll wait..."

"Oh! Sorry"

"Thank you i'll start again! I give you....The Rooster!!" Varian announced, revealing a device he was working on "or at least it will be once we put it together"

"It doesn't look like a rooster" Angry commented.

"Uh, it's an early warning system? If Cassandra or any other danger threatens the kingdom this, will fire a glowing morter into the air, alerting everyone in Corona"

"Great idea" Rapunzel said.

Lance and the girls came to look at it while Rapunzel and Eugene talked about something else.

Varian turned to them when we heard something about them leaving.

"Uh, hate to nag, but who's gonna oversee the Rooster's installation? All military grade applications require supervision from the captain himself" Varian said before turning to Lance who was reaching towards something "Don't touch that!"

"Lance you're acting captain till I get back" Eugene said.

"Sweet! A promotion!" Lance said.

"Ah ah, it's temporary" Rapunzel said.

"Sweet! A temporary promotion!"

This is gonna be a long night....


"So...before we install the internal chamber-" Varian said, looking at the Rooster instructions.

"No need to consult the schematic!" Lance interrupted "it's already been assembled"


And what was he wearing!?

We walked out onto the roof to see a metal rooster.

"And we improved on your design, now it actually looks like a rooster! You're welcome"

Varian facepalmed while i laughed a bit.

"Don't encourage him Ellie! We can fix this!" He said going to get a closer look at what Lance had made.

Later again

Varian added a drop of Flynnoelum to the machine.

"Hm, i don't think that's enough" Lance said.

"Ok" Varian said "with all due respect i'm the alchemist, Flynnoelum is very powerful, add to much of it and this thing will shoot so far we'll end up warning another kingdom."

"Oh! I forgot the fuses, keep an eye on this stuff and DO NOT TOUCH.....anything"

"'Oh, i'm the alchemist'" Lance mimicked "well, i'm the guy wearing the captains uniform! And i don't think it's you?"

"Nope" the girls said.

"Guys, Varian said not to touch anything" i said.

"Comon! It won't be that bad!" Lance said.

"Yeah, he's just overreacting" Angry said.

"Guys, i think Varian knows what he's talking about"

"Oh how cute, now help us dump this in" Lance said, picking up the barrel.

I sighed.

"Why do i even know what...fine...don't's not my fault if this stuff blows up in your face" i said going to stand as far away as possible.

"I'm back" Varian said.

He held up a stick with fire on it.

"Ok everyone the Rooster's first test is a go in 3....2...1-"

People started backing away.

"Oh you don't have to stand back i calculated it so the blast is contained in-"

The entire thing exploded.

"You added more Flynnoelum didn't you!?" Varian coughed.

"I said just one drop! One drop! Alchemy is very delicate Lance!" He yelled.


"I warned him but did he listen? No, he went and did it anyway" i explained.

"I'm not suprised" Varian said.

Elizabeth's Story BOOK 1: The AlchemistWhere stories live. Discover now