Baking Instinct

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(Yes i made this a chapter)

Elizabeth's POV:

It started like any other day.

I was walking through the castle halls with Varian, we were going to tell Rapunzel about the experiment he was working on.

We noticed Eugene in the kitchen.

"Hey Eugene, we were looking for Rapunzel is she around here somewhe-" Varian said before stopping "What's that?"

Eugene scraped something off a plate into the trash.

"This? It's nothing, just a little experiment" he said.

"Experiment you say? I'd love to hear about it" Varian said "What's you're hypothesis?"

"It's not that kind of experiment" Eugene said "i'm trying to do something special for Rapunzel, you know, show her my domestic side?"

Varian and i looked at eachother trying not to laugh.

"What, you don't think i have a domestic side?" Eugene asked.

"We didn't say that!" Varian said "i mean we thought it, but we didn't say it"

"Well maybe baking's not coming to me as easily as wit and roguish charm, but i can't be a natural at everything" Eugene said.

"Why don't you ask one of the royal chefs for help?" Varian suggested.

"It's better then blowing up the kitchen" i said.

"They're all busy preparing for some big state dinner" Eugene said "and i sort of wanted to do this on my own but...well..."

"Here, we'll help you! After all, i'm a master of alchemy, and what's baking but alchemy with slightly more mundane ingredients and tastier results" Varian said.

"Uh, Varian have you ever actually baked anything before?" I asked.

" how hard can it be?" He said.

"Oh, my sweet clueless boy" i said where nobody could hear me as Varian rolled up his sleeves and went to help.

"Where's your recipe?" He asked.

"I...don't really have one, i was sort of playing it by ear" Eugene said.

Varian sighed.

"Oh boy, grab a mixing bowl and hand me some eggs" he said.

"Eggs! I knew my cake was missing something but i thought it was oregano and buttermilk!" Eugene said.

"It's a good thing we came along when we did" Varian said "measure out a cup of flour would you?"


Eugene grabbed a bowl and went over to pour the contents into the mix.

"Hold on there!" Varian stopped him "Eugene that's starch!"

"Oh, whoops" Eugene laughed.

As Varian was mixing i tapped his shoulder.

"Hey, what about that stuff we bought earlier?" I suggested.

"Oh yeah! Hmm...i wonder" he searched his apron pocket pulling out a small vial "I've actually been dying to try this out! It's this new extract we bought called 'vanilla'. The merchant said it's primarily for baking but i was going to use it to make my experiments smell better."

"That smells incredible" Eugene commented.

He grabbed another one of the vials.

"What about this one?" He asked as he opened it.

"Wait not-"

Green smoke filled the room.

"I'm sorry what were you saying?" Eugene asked.

"Not, that, one" Varian said "just give that to me"

Then Eugene accidentally dropped the vial and it fell in the mix.

"I take it that's not good?" He asked.

A green goop filled the room.

"Help me find the red vial" Varian said.

"In this mess!?" Eugene asked "how!?"

"We search!" I said.

"You better hope we find it! It's the only thing that'll reverse the chemical reaction!" Varian said "this stuff's like yeast, now that it's started off it'll just keep going"

"I think i got"

"Less talking more looking"

"Got it!" Eugene said, throwing the vial to Varian who then cleared the mess.


"Huh, i wonder if this stuff will stain" Eugene said.

"Let's start over okay?" Varian said.

"I think i should help this time" i said.


"What is that strange smell?" Cass asked.

"Just a little unforseen alchemical accident" Varian said.

"Nothing to be concerned about" Eugene added "Anyway enough about that, time for the piece de resistance"

He revealed what we had made.

"Well Blondie? What do you think?"

"I think you're full of suprises" Rapunzel said "how'd you make the icing?"

"Lets just say it's a trade secret" Eugene said, as everyone looked at me and Varian.

"We would absolutely love to!" Varian said.

"Agreed" i said.

(Queen for a Day is next so prepare yourselves, both parts will be out tomorrow)

Elizabeth's Story BOOK 1: The AlchemistWhere stories live. Discover now